Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Took a Walk on the Driveway.

My wife and I took a walk out the driveway to the gate and back around the inside loop to the other side of the gate.  On this short stroll we found a few things that I thought would make good pictures for posting on my blog.

Here is a picture of box turtle.  I don't know where he was heading but he sure did seem to have a destination in mind since he or she was going in a straight line.

Here is closeup of its head.  That eye seemed to look straight through me and it didn't look extremely happy.  I guess it just didn't want to be bothered.

Well, I guess he just got tired of me taking his picture so he slammed his doors shut but left just enough open to see if I had gone yet.

And then, not too far away, I found these small mounds of dirt with holes in the middle.  It seemed that the owner of these dwellings tried to build their entrance holes up high enough in case of rain.  I don't think they would care to have water pouring into their living room.

It is such a beautiful day with deep blue skies from horizon to horizon and a warm temperature of 87 degrees right now.  I have had a great day and I sure hope you all have had a good day, too.


  1. More than likely the turtle heard about your pond and wanted to pay it a visit

    1. That could be but he is a land turtle. We used to have a lot of turtles in the ponds but I haven't checked this year. It is just to hard to get out of my rocking chair (grin).

  2. Good looking turtle and must have been nice to get out and walk the property before the heat sets in.

    1. I haven't been around back of the ponds for quite some time. Will have to try and walk around more. Better than just sitting here rocking.

  3. Lucky you seeing that turtle on your walk. Bet he was on his/her way to your pond. Looks like a beautiful day for a walk.

    1. Actually, it was heading in the opposite direction. Maybe he wanted to go visit the neighbors.

  4. I think it would be neat to have turtles around but we do not have them in Mom's property.

    If you go out in back of your ponds be careful snakes season is here and they are out and about. If my memory serves me right (most times it doesn't) did you not mention that your wife got bit by one some time back?

    1. Yes she did and yes there are a lot of snakes around. Now that my son and daughter-in-law, who live in the back of my place, have chickens, ducks, rabbits, goats, etc. there may be more come around.

  5. Nice turtle shot and walk . Wish we had some of that warm weather here ! We home too soon.

    1. Yes, it is a nice time of year here. I seemed to have developed a bad knee and I can't walk too far, so haven't walked around my place for awhile. Thanks for the compliment.

  6. I don't think I've seen a turtle in years. They used to be seen all around, but maybe I'm just in the wrong place.

    1. There are a lot more turtles that live in my swamp, but this one was a land box turtle.

  7. We get a few turtles and tortoises around here. Hopefully, people will help them across the road.
    I have been watching Dr. Kaufman's show more these days. Fungus can be very unhealthy. Happy tails and Trails, Penny

    1. My wife and I have met him in person a few years back. We are fans of his. His show is Know The Cause.

  8. Yes, I watch it every morning at 5.00 am
