Thursday, April 25, 2019

Our Bird Feeders.

We have a large bird feeder filled with bird seed which I purchase in 40 pound bags.  It lasts a week or less.  We also have a humming bird feeder and we get a lot of beautiful little humming birds that come to suck out the sweet nectar.  Then there are the squirrels.

The squirrels are the thieves and destroyers.  They spill the bird feed out of the feeder.  Although I also put lots of feed on the ground, they (the squirrels) are never satisfied.  They have to dump more feed out of the feeder.  They leave the suet alone, guess they don't like it or maybe it is because it is in a wire mesh enclosure which holds the suet and keeps the squirrels out, but the birds can still get at it.  Yep, my back yard is quite a busy place, but all the creatures disappear very fast when I let the dogs out.

I guess it doesn't all go to waste.  The wild rabbits come in and eat it, too.  I bring the feeders in after it gets dark.  By morning, all that spilled bird seed is gone.  I guess the rabbits clean it all up by morning.  I love what goes on in my back yard (or at least in the area that I can see from the house) and would not change it if I could.  Now, you all have a great evening, you hear?


  1. I used to love feeding the birds, but it just got too expensive for this poor boy.

    1. It wouldn't be so expensive if I could get the squirrels to leave the feed along. I have tried all the tricks. Even slit open one gallon plastic jugs and stacked them up the bird feed holder. Even greased the pole (it was fun watching them at the start) but they just jumped up to the feeder. I would never have thought that they could jump that high. I am just going to have to learn to live with them.

    2. bigfoot and Rob. I use BB gun and I have a lot of fun plinking them. It doesn't do any permanent damage and they keep coming back. They are getting a little smarter, they run when they hear the door opening. I have to be a little more sneaky, now.

  2. Your yard sounds like a great place to enjoy the wild life.

    1. I only have twelve acres, but it is mostly wooded with a couple of ponds. To me, it is paradise.

  3. Backyard animal watching is a blast. I have bird feeders in the back and the front. Love all the pretty birds that come to visit. Squirrels are a real pest and I have managed to keep them out of the feeders. Sure is fun watching them try to get at the feeder, better than TV.

    1. Yes, it sure is. I do enjoy what goes on out there.

  4. Hi,,, surprised you, didnt i? lol....ive been wanting to put up a night camera to see what comes around. I get started looking at them then get off on something else...have you ever done it? filmed at nite?

    1. My son has cameras all over our place and some of them have flash capability, others just are able to take pictures in low light.

    2. Oh, and yes, you surprised me. Glad to hear from you, Trouble.

  5. I can't wait to set up some bird feeders in my new place, and I know I will be fighting the squirrels. They always win!

    1. Yep, they always win. They are acrobatic and get to whatever they want and wherever they want to go.

  6. I can see why you love your little piece of "paradise". I can not feed the birds because of the stray cats that have adopted me and enjoy them as snacks.

    1. Yes, I love my paradise. It is awesome to see just how many different animals and birds there are here. I posted some pictures of animals that my son's game cameras have caught. The mountain lion was the biggest.
