Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Book Straps.

I just saw on the morning news a whole lot of back-packs for kids to carry their books, etc. in going to and from school.  I suppose that they carry lots of things in them too.  Back when I started to school, I used a book strap.  Remember them?
Mine was a little different, but you get the idea.  We didn't have or want back-packs.  That belt did the job and when not in use it could be rolled up and put in your pocket.  If something happened to the belt that held up your pants, you could always substitute your book strap for your pant's belt.  I am really thankful that I grew up in the late 1940's and early 1950's.  Now tell me, how many of you remember book straps?


  1. I heard of them but we had toooo much other junk to carry around in the name of education. We used zipper notebooks that could hold more than I could carry. That may be the start of my liking a simpler life.

    1. Since you are a lot younger than I am, you probably have never seen one used.

  2. I remember the book straps although I never used one. My brother and I each had a bookbag, which was a satchel with a handle to carry. On cold days we had one pair of gloves between us, so we each had a glove to hold our bookbags and put the ungloved hand in our pockets. I feel sorry for kids today who have those big heavy over-engineered backpacks.

    1. I feel sorry for the kids today for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason is that they didn't have the experience at school like I did. You know, like going to the outhouse when a blizzard was blowing snow everywhere and that chilly wind would come up the holes in the outhouse (grin),

    2. Ah yes. I remember the outhoiuse on my grandparents farm, although I was there usually in the hot Kentucky summer! I don't know which would be the worst time of the year.

    3. And yes, my Uncle's farm and also at my grandpa'a had three holers. Two high seats with a lower one in the middle for the kids.

  3. Never had to use a book strap. But then, I never took that many books home from school either. I was not a very good student, I guess.

    1. Maybe you were such good student you didn't need to take books home to study.

  4. The book straps were before my time. And I don't remember bringing home to many books either.

    1. I believe they still sell them. Google them and see what you can find. Yep, I am three quarters of a century old. . . now that IS old.

  5. I remember the book straps. Used one when I went to school back in the 50's . By the time I went to high school it wasn't cool anymore.

    1. That was the way it was for me. Used them the first couple of years at school.
