Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Attempted a Moon Shot

No, I wasn't trying to send a rocket to the moon, just shoot a picture or two of it.  It was a thin sliver and looked so neat that I ran in the house and got my camera.  Now, just so you don't get disappointed when you see the pictures, my camera is a small pocket type that actually fits into my shirt pocket.  It takes fair pictures but is not really good for celestial shots.

But I felt that this thin sliver of a moon should be photographed, so I gave it a shot (or two).  I zoomed in to the limits of my little camera and snapped two pictures.  When I looked at them, all I could see was a little spot of light in the middle of a dark screen.  On the computer I zoomed and I zoomed and I zoomed in on that little spot and finally got something that looked like a sliver of the moon.  Here are the two pictures that I took:

As you can see, I must have moved some on the second shot.  Oh well, someday I may get myself a really good camera, that is when my ship comes in.  Or, next time, I could take a picture through my big telescope, but then all you would see would be a crater or two with a pile of rocks in the middle of them.  Now, don't ask me where those piles of rocks came from, but have yourselves a great day, you hear?


  1. I have never had any luck photographing anything in the night sky. When I lived in NC I had a fairlty good view of the heavens, even though there were some city lights nearby. But a regular camera just doesn't do it, I suppose Did you by any chance see the meteor shower?

    1. I wasn't looking for it, so no, I didn't see any.

  2. You didn't do bad at least you got what you were looking at. Did you use your flash?

    1. Actually, yes. The flash is automatic unless manually turned off. Don't think it helped any. (grin)

  3. Not a bad picture taken with a small camera. I never have any luck with moon shots. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Would be nice to have a better camera, but I am too old to buy an expensive camera, I wouldn't get my money's worth out of it (grin).

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Mr. Hermit. I need a camera attachment for my big telescope. But then I would need a motorized scope to take long exposure time pictures. I just can't seem to win.

  5. Cloudy nights have really limited my night sky viewing recently. Oh well, not much I can do about that.

    1. Clouds do have a way of blocking celestial views, don't they?
