Tuesday, July 17, 2018

African Dust

I am not unusual for liking to get unexpected gifts, especially from a far off country but I have just about had enough of the gift that Africa is sending us, a lot of its dust.  I know they predicted that it would blow into this part of Texas but I didn't think that it would block out all our blue sky.  There is not a cloud in the sky, so it should be blue but all that dang dust is blocking out all the blue.  Just in case you don't believe me, I took some pictures.  It looks a lot worse in person than the pictures show but at least they will give you an idea of what it is like:

The thicker, darker part of the dust seems to show up in these pictures as a bluish color, but in reality, they are a darker grey than the thinner ones are.  

When I went out to go to the corner Dollar Store and Post Office, I discovered that my right rear window was down and it wouldn't go up.  All the windows are crank-less and operate from buttons on the center console between the front seats.  I could hear the motor working but the window didn't come up at all.  So. . . I went to the nearest auto repair shop and he said he had to order parts and to go home and he would call when they came in.  He figured it would take three or four hours.  So, here I am, writing this blog posting and waiting for his call.  It will not be soon.  Now, you all have a great day and let me know if you have any African dust problems at your place.


  1. Maybe the motor has too much dust in it. ;-)

    1. Now that is a possibility that I didn't think of.

  2. Hope you didn't get dust in your car. The dust is now up in North Texas and along the Red River, Oklahoma region. Yuck!

    1. That dust can get into everything. I put an old sheet over the window in the Jeep. Will have to take it out to drive down the road. At least it ain't raining.

  3. Is that stuff still flying around? We have more than enough dust here without getting any from another country. Even with us getting some good rains they are still talking about dust storms, mostly the PHX, area.

    1. Yep, there is still a lot of African dust flying around here where I live, about 30 miles north of Houston.

  4. Good luck with getting your window fixed in good time,to keep the dust us.

    1. Got it done today. Quite costly. I expected to pay under two hundred but it was way, way over that amount.

  5. We aren't getting any of the African dust up here in Wisconsin. But when I lived in Phoenix AZ we had dust storms all the time, Not cool. Hope you get your windows fixed soon.

    1. According to our weatherman, it could get up your way or close to it.

  6. That dust has to be bad for your lungs. I think if I was in it I would wrape a bandana around my face just below my eyes. I'd look like a desperado from the old West!

    1. It seems to quickly dry out my nose. Have been doing some coughing today and it sure has affected my sinuses.
