Monday, March 19, 2018

Is It Leaning or Not?

Sometimes, your eyes play tricks on you and sometimes it just depends on how you look at things.  I took a couple of pictures this morning of my bird feeder.  I would like you to straighten me out on what I was seeing.  Is the pole holding the bird feeder vertical or not or is the wind blowing very hard and pushing the feeder off to the side?  Take a close look at these two pictures and post your answer below.

In the above picture, it looks like the wind is blowing very hard and pushing the feeder off to the right.  Is that the case?

Or, is the pole leaning and the feeder is hanging straight down?

Do you have it figured out yet?  Let me know what you think and have a great day, you hear?


  1. What a difference a picture makes! I honestly can't tell. I want to say that the pole is leaning and the feeder hanging straight down.

    1. Any weight that is hanging will point straight down towards the center of the earth. Yes, other things, like the wind, can affect it, but in this case, the pole is not quite vertical. So, you are correct.

  2. I thought it was the pole, I just took mine down because it was starting to lean more every day.

    1. I will just move it over to a more solid piece of ground. That is when or if I get up enough ambition.

  3. After much looking at both pictures, I noticed the tree in the second one and it appeared straight so the pole is leaning. Happy 1st Day of Spring.

    1. You would make a good detective. Yep, you are right.
