Friday, November 24, 2017

Update On Pup.

The medication that the vet gave us to give to Muffy every twelve hours, seems to be working.  She is not coughing as much and is eating.  She still wheezes now and then but she isn't fighting for breath like she did before.  Sure glad we got her to the doc's before the Holidays.  They were going to be out of the office from Thanksgiving until the next Monday.  The pills must be helping drain the fluid from her lungs.

The funny thing about dogs, they get real sick real fast and, if they are going to get better, do it real fast, too.  I am keeping my fingers crossed hoping she has a few more good years left.  With only half of her heart working, it sure puts a lot of load on the working side.  It is time for her take it easy, but she hasn't learned how to do that yet.  I try to help by carrying her up the stairs to the porch from the dogs' yard.  Most of the time she is like a little kid and says "Daddy, I would rather do it myself", and up the steps she runs.  I guess it is hard to take the pup out of the old dog.

I am sure glad to have another day with her.  All I can do is take one day at a time.  Neither dogs or humans are granted tomorrow.  All we have is now, and the older I get the more I understand that.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. You certainly are right about tomorrow - it's not a given for any of us. I'm happy the meds are working for Muffy. I wish you would post a photo of the three pups.

    1. I don't have any recent photos but I guess I could try to get a picture of them soon and post it.

  2. I'm happy to hear that she's doing better.

  3. Happy to she is doing so much better. Hard to think of them getting old.

    1. We are extremely over joyed that she is feeling much better. But like the vet said, this will only extend her life a little bit. But we are hoping it will be for quite a long time.

  4. Hope the pup continues to improve. They become part of the family and steal a little piece of our hearts.

    1. They sure do. They are a very large part of our lives.

  5. The vets gave my foster-dog, Misty only one year to live, I kept her going and happy for another four years with a very good diet, vitamins and probiotics. I hope Muffy does well for a long, long time. Happy Trails and Tails, Penny

    1. My wife cooks special food for our pups, so they eat well. Since only half her heart is working, she could stay with us for quite awhile if we can keep the fluid from filling up in her lungs. She is on two kinds of medication now to try and remove that fluid. Thanks for commenting and we hope all is going well with you.

  6. We had similar problems with one of our old dogs here recently. It's as worrisome as a sick kid. I'm glad your dog is ok.

    1. So far so good. I know the inevitable will not be so good but actually, all any of us has is just now. There may not be a tomorrow.

  7. So happy to hear that you got her to the Vet and he gave her some medication that seems to be working. Sounds like she is doing much better and that her spunk is still there.

    1. She goes back to see the Vet for a follow up visit this afternoon. I am sure she will be given and A+ since she is back to almost normal.

  8. So glad she is doing so good. My sisters tiny dog also got sick with kidneys and she called the emergency # and he called in a prescription to our pharmacy, people antibiotics,,,and she got better by the next day. Shes 11 yo. Dont know how my sis will handle losing her, ever.

    1. She will have to be on medication rest of her life. That is OK as long as it keeps her going.
