Monday, November 13, 2017

Four Things That Scare Us the Most.

According to the internet,,
there are four things that scare people the most:

DEATH:  I would think that the fear of the unknown would be what people fear most.  Of course what happens after death is mostly unknown.  What fears me the most about dying is being separated from the people and pets that I love.

HELL:  That sort of goes along with death, doesn't it?  Hell is a place of eternal torment.  To me, it is a place of evil where good and love and God's blessings are missing, and a place where they keep the thermostat turned up way, way too hot.

SNAKES:  Most people really fear snakes.  I never have.  In fact, I used to have a pet snake.

The Dark:  The dark didn't scare me, even as a kid.  In fact, I would run into the dark to get away from bullies, etc.  For some reason, I seemed to have very good low light vision.

OK, so do any of the above scare you?  What else scares you the most?   When you go to bed tonight, turn out the lights and think of all the things that scare you.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. This is a very good post, Diz. Causes a person to stop and think about it. I don't exactly fear death but I'm not looking forward to it either. I absolutely do not believe in hell, so that's probably the last thing in the world I would fear. Snakes cause my heart to skip a beat or two - I'm not too afraid of them as they will usually leave you alone if you leave them alone. Sometimes they are hard to see and for this reason I'm afraid of stumbling upon one and getting bitten. The dark is a toss up. I'd have to say I'm not afraid of it but prefer to be in daylight.

    1. Thanks Gypsy, glad you thought it was good. None of us our quite the same, especially in likes and dislikes. Yes, your dislikes are different than mine as are some of our likes, but that difference in people is what makes things in this world so interesting.

  2. Being a Christian, the first two don't scare me. Snakes don't scare me as long as I know they're there, but I don't care for surprises. I used to grab blacksnakes by the tail and pitch them over the hill, but I kill every poisonous one I come across, regardless of what the nature lovers say. The dark bothers me mainly because I'm afraid of falling in my old age.

  3. Yes, I'm a Christian and agree with you. Snakes are something that we should respect, as well as all wildlife. I am not old yet, only a young 74, but I have fallen too many times and the last time has made me very careful on stairs of any kind.

  4. I do not fear death and I don't believe in hell. I hate snakes and have run into to many of them living here I give them there lead as long as its away from me. Dark doesn't really bother unless I'm in the forest and it is populated by bears or skunks.
    Good Questions

    1. One night I was walking down a trail and kept hearing something walking in front of me. After awhile, my curiosity got the best of me and I turned on my flashlight. It was a skunk, and I slowly backed off. I didn't seem to bother him.

  5. Replies
    1. Yep, that is a big one for most people. I took an elective Public Speaking course in college, and that actually cured my "public speaking" fears.

  6. Being a Christian I don't fear the first two. Also I am not afraid of snakes ( mice and rats are another story) nor am I afraid of the dark. What I fear most is getting dementia /Alzheimers. My mother had it and getting it myself scares the crap out of me. Don't want to put my husband and son thru that.

    1. I know what you mean. My Mother had dementia the last couple of years of her life. Of course she was in her mid 90's at the time. I am now in my mid 70's and do worry about it, but so far, I don't think I have any of the symptoms.

  7. Death: annoying, but what can you do? Hell? Not for me. Snakes are interesting and can make good pets.

    The Dark is fun. When I was I little kid my dad and I used to play games in the dark. He didn't want me to fear it. Now the dark is kinda comforting, like a warm blanket.

  8. My greatest fear used to be disappointing my mother, but that ended nearly 2 years ago, sadly. Now .. ??

    1. I disappointed my Mom many times, but she wouldn't give up on me. I do miss her.

  9. One thing that I think scares me the most is the fear of dying alone. I don 't mind being alone, but would like to have someone around when I pass. Does that make any sense?

    1. Yes, it does to me. I would like to have my hand held by someone I love as I go.

  10. Death: I haven't conquered my fear of it, although what I fear most is the idea of dying alone and not being found for days or weeks afterward (which actually happened to someone I once knew). I do hope someone I care about will be by my side when that time comes.

    Hell: The most terrifying thought, for me, is the idea of being forever cut off from God. I trust the Lord, but each time I consider the sins of my past (though forgiven), I tend to start worrying anew.

    Snakes: No fear, but somewhat knowledgeable and respectful. In my youth I once owned a small boa; but I felt so guilty about the mice I had to feed it, I finally took it back to the pet store and traded it in for a Habitrail and a hamster.

    The Dark: It doesn't bother me when I'm in a safe and familiar environment. However, I wouldn't be inclined to go for long walks alone after nightfall.
