Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Growing Like a Weed.

I got this weed in the middle of the dogs' yard that is "growing like a bad weed".  No, in fact it is growing much faster than any weed I have ever seen.  A couple of days ago it was only about a foot tall, and now it is about six feet tall.   Look at it:

Yep, it is about six feet tall.  I must contact NASA and let them know that I may have a very inexpensive way to reach the moon.  It could save them millions if not billions of dollars.  It seems to be growing a couple of feet a day.  All they have to do is climb up the stem. . . wait a minute, maybe that wouldn't be too wise.  First, it would be a long, long wait for it to grow as high as the moon.  I just remembered the old story of Jack and the Bean Stalk.  Jack would have to be really tough to climb this stalk, see the thorns?

An enlarged and trimmed view showing just the lower portion of the stalk.  Not too inviting to a climber, is it?

I think that I will let it grow a couple of more days and see if it will get any taller.  Now, you all be careful when reaching for a tall weed to pull out of your yard, because I want you 
  all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. It seems like the longer you wait and let it grow, the more trouble it's going to be to get rid of it. I hope you have some good strong gloves to keep from getting stuck by those awful looking thorns!

    1. I will probably snip it off at ground level and then dig up the roots so it will not come back.

  2. My wife, the botanist, says it's called "Devil's walking stick".
    "Aralia Spinosa"
    Grows in SE USA, and into far east Texas.

    1. Thank you and your wife. Now I know what it is called and "Devil's walking stick" is really fitting.

  3. That is one "vicious" looking weed. I do like your idea tho of letting it grow to the moon for a cheap way to get there. Haha. Be careful when disposing of it and don't get stuck by those thorns.

    1. I am not looking forward to getting rid of it, but the dogs' yard will be much safer for them when it is gone.

  4. Mean looking plant! Better yours than mine, ya know?

    1. You know I am not too far from you, so some seeds could blow down to your place (grin). No, I wouldn't wish that plant on anyone, especially a good friend like you.

  5. anything i want to get rid of, i cut close to the ground, spray with weed killer.
    and HI,, how ya doing?

    1. I will cut it close to the ground and maybe dig up the roots, but no weed killer in the dogs' yard.
