Tuesday, September 26, 2017

So Far, a Great Day

Yep, so far it has been a great day.  I woke up alive this morning, that is always an important part of having great day.  The weather is beautiful.  Yep, blue skies and not too hot, yet.  It is still in the upper 70's, but I am sure that will not last long.

To top it all off, I just walked through the kitchen and my wife was putting to pieces of boudin style sausage on to cook.  When it is near done, she will add a couple of eggs.  Oh my, that is one of my most favorite meals.  Of course, I like all my meals, but some are extra special, like white boudin sausage.  Well, maybe if I tell the truth, all my meals are special to me.  It sure helps to be married to a great cook who has been known to make a gourmet meal out of nothing in just a few minutes.  She is a kitchen magician, for sure.  Now enjoy your  meals and have a great day, you hear?


  1. "Woke up alive". When you get right down to it that does make for good day!!

    1. Yep Rob, it sure does. Hope you have lots of good days.

  2. lol - My sister-in-law once told my wife that when the day came that she woke up dead she'd learn there is no God. My wife cracked up at the whole line of reasoning. Her sister was in her 60's at the time and NOT senile, just violently atheist.

    1. I hope she looses the atheist thing before she wakes up dead.

  3. You live in boudin country down there! We have a place in Muenster, Texas that makes boudin, but probably not as good as yours. Ours is pork and rice I think. I've never heard of white boudin.

    I am so pleased to hear your wife is up and about.

    1. My wife is doing much better but still has a ways to go. There is red boudin and white boudin. I believe the white boudin is about the same but without the blood being added. That must be why it is pale (grin). I love the white boudin.

  4. One bad thing about living alone is having to eat my own cooking all the time! It would be nice to have someone else step in from time to time.

    1. I bet you have become a great chef. At least you can always cook what you want the way you want it. Always look on bright side of things. . . (grin)

  5. I to am happy your wife is doing better and is up and about now. I have never heard of this boudin before. But I think breakfast is one of my most favorite meals. Especially when camping

    1. I usually have a simple breakfast, like mixing in some mandarin oranges and Great Grains cereal into plain yogurt with some cranberry juice and maybe a dash of sugar.

  6. Hey, Dizzy - any word from Billy Bob lately?

    1. No, and of course I worry about him. He said in his posts that he was getting tired of blogging. If I knew how to contact him, I sure would.

  7. Glad to hear your wife is feeling better and up and about. Especially that she is cooking for you agin. Also glad you had a great day. Hope today is another good one for you.

  8. Glad your wife is once again cooking for you but I bet you are even happier :D

    1. That is for sure. My favorite pastime is eating.
