Sunday, February 19, 2017

Little of This, a Little of That.

There is no general theme to this blog, there is just a little of this and a little of that.  At least I hope you enjoy what I dug up on the internet.

I found this first picture of a bowling alley.  They put pictures of open mouths in front of the pins so that the pins looked like teeth in the mouth.  As you can see, the three mouths in the middle have a few missing teeth.  You know, I bet this was a tournament for dentists that like to bowl:

 This next one is a picture of my grandson teaching his son (my great grandson) how to steer his truck (grin).  Well, maybe it is a tad too early to do that, but ain't he cute?

 I found this picture of a. . . what should I call it?  Maybe a mono-glass for a person with one eye and a skinny head?

 Oh, now I see what could wear it, this Minion:

 Now this is sad.  I guess it will have to be my job to break the bad news to all the little children of this world that there just may not be a Christmas this year because there was a terrible accident.  Santa collided with and airliner.  Oh the sadness of it all!!!

I sure hate to leave you on such a sad note but I am having trouble seeing through the tears in my eyes. . . but don't let that bother you but rather, I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I loved the picture of the bowling alley. Very clever. And yes, your g-grandson is a darling. He'll be asking his Dad for the keys before you know it!

    1. Just like his Daddy (my son) ask me or my wife for the keys. Oh does that bring back some memories, like pulling his truck out of the lake, etc. I wonder if my grandson knows about that?

  2. All good, but the baby was the best!

    1. I agree that the baby was the best. He is my first great grandchild and I couldn't be prouder.

  3. That's what I like about your blog! Bit of this, but of that, always interesting!

  4. Oh your great grandson is just to cute. Why must they grow up so fast. My oldest greats are already 6 yrs old and I have 7 already.

    1. Their diaper years are much easier to handle than their teenage years.

  5. Those are some great photos. Your great grandson is a little cutie. Thanks for making me smile.

    1. My wife and I think he is the cutest thing ever, but we may be slightly prejudiced.

  6. Your grand and great grand are handsome!! Love the eyeglass...:)
