Friday, December 2, 2016

Just Somehing I Noticed.

I was watching an old TV western on TV (Wyatt Earp), and like I always do, I was reading the list of names at the end of the show.  For some reason one of the names caught my attention, Jimmy James.  I don't know what he did for the show or who he was or anything about him, but I did grin a little at his name.

I would suppose that his real given name would be James so that would make him James James.  I guess his father wanted to make it easy for him to remember his full name??  OK, now that kind of makes me wonder what his middle name might be.  Could it be James, also?  That would make him J.J.J. or James James James.

Now I have a grandson whose given name is Jimmy, not James, but Jimmy.  So, maybe that actor, or whatever he was) was really named Jimmy.  Now, see how confused I can get just for wondering about things?  Now, whatever your name is, I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Thanks to Marvel movies people stay for the credits at the end of the movie. Since they stated putting little teasers at the end people don't run out anymore. I've entertained myself by looking for weird names and job titles.

    1. Not really familiar with Marvel movies but putting that at the end sounds like they had a good idea.

  2. There are a lot of Jimmy's around to add to the confusion. My mother's name was "Jimmie Nell" but her last name was Patterson so they called her Pat. They called my father Pat too to add even more confusion.

    I have a neighbor whose sister is named "Gemmi Nell." Our postal carrier is "Jimmy."

    And your grandson is a true "Jimmy."

    1. My brother-in-law has been called Pat for the same reason.

  3. I had a friend who married a man who had 10 siblings or so, and every one of them had a name that to most people sound like a nickname. It probably happened more in rural areas back then.

    1. Wow!! If they were close in age, that must have been a hectic household. My Aunt and Uncle had seven and I was jealous because I didn't have any siblings; I was an only child.

  4. I was married briefly to a man named Bobby, and he had a brother named Robert. Yeah, explain that one! :)

  5. Once knew a guy whose names was Jesse James and then last name. All 6 of his siblings' names started with a J. My son-in-law's mother wanted her 3 sons to go by real names, not nicknames, so she names them Michael, Stephen, and David. Go figure, huh?
