Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hey You!!!

What do you answer to?  I answer to a lot of things; Richard, Dick, Dicky, Dicky Bub, Dizzy, Dizzy Dick, buddy, son, mister, etc.  The one thing I don't answer to is "Hey You".  I am not Oriental, I do not have a Chinese name, so ignore people who try to get my attention by yelling "Hey You".  Neither am I Pink Floyd. . . according to the internet, they recorded a song called "Hey You".  Since I only listen to bluegrass, classic country, and gospel music, I have never heard that song.

Now be honest, what do you think when someone tries to get your attention by yelling, "Hey You"?  It tells me they don't know who I am or if they do, they forgot my name.

Hey you, let us hear what you think.

Have a great day, you hear?


  1. I answer to anything that sends money or food my direction.

    1. That is a good idea. Especially the food part. I just love to eat.

  2. Thank Chuck and Anneke. I am glad I am not the only one that feels that way.

  3. Wearing hearing aids has advantages... if someone sounds disrespectful you can just pretend you don't hear them ;-)

    1. I used to wear hearing aids and I heard a lot of things I didn't need to hear. When they wore out, I never replaced them. So, when you say "hey-you" to me, you better shout it (grin).

  4. That's funny. I don't think anyone has every done that to me. You can always reply, "You talkin' to ME, Bub?"

    Now that I'm older, sometimes people will say, "Ma'am?" Or, "Excuse me?" I had a druggie trying to talk to me when I was refilling my water bottles recently, and I really didn't want to engage (or give him money), so I just looked at him, smiled and shook my head while pointing to my ear. I said, "I'm sorry, I don't hear well." He left me alone then. That was a good plan, and I'll use it again for sure. :)

    1. I don't need to pretend, I just don't hear all that good. Anyway, I would probably give that druggie a piece of my mind.

    2. Okay, I was rude today, and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. Your "Hey, You" must have been in the front of my brain when I was at Walmart this afternoon. I had a full basket, and started putting my things on the check-out belt, which wasn't moving yet. The woman behind me put a bar on the belt separating her things from mine and was really loading stuff on. I turned around and said, "Hey, Lady, I still have a lot of things to put on the belt." I was so embarrassed - I've never called anyone Hey Lady before. I said, I'm so sorry, I don't know where that Hey Lady came from. (But I did, haha.) Then we chatted and all was well. It was so funny. :)

    3. Sorry if I led you down the wrong path. But there sure are a lot of rude people out there and someone should let them know it so they can try to change. You did good, you get a star.

  5. People can say "hey Mister' and I look, you talking to me? I just plain George not mister.

    1. The only time when it is OK to call someone just Mister or Mrs. or Miss is when you have no idea what their name is and you need to talk to them. Of course we should say "excuse me Mam or Sir", right?

  6. I can't remember anyone ever saying "Hey You" to get my attention. If it was an acquaintance or a relative (one of my kids) I'd take it as a joke and respond accordingly. If it was from a stranger, I guess it would depend on their tone of voice when they said it. If I want to get someone's attention I will call out "Excuse me, Sir" or "Ma'am", but it could be someone trying very hard to get your attention and they don't think quickly enough. I hope I wouldn't let it get to me.

    1. I just don't think it is the proper way to address someone.

  7. Can't remember the last time someone hollered a 'Hey You' at me but no doubt it has happened. I myself use the 'Hey You' phrase almost daily. Walking by or looking over towards Pheebe I often say 'Hey You' how's it going:))

    1. I usually address my three pups as "Hey you guys, want to go out?", even though two of them are females.

    2. I use the phrase "hey you guys, want to go out?", when I am talking to my pups even though two of them are female.

  8. I don't respond to "Hey You" as that is disrespectful and I don't like being disrespected. I'll answer to Ma'am or Excuse Me, just show me some respect.

    1. I ignore rude people and blame it on not being able to hear as good as I used to.

  9. I'm much more likely to answer to "excuse me sir."

    1. Yep, but you are big enough to demand respect (grin).

  10. how does your wife feel about having to shout everything?,,I sure didnt like it when my x needed hearing aides bad. Not sure ive used the YOU, but i have said HEY,,,

    1. My wife isn't happy with that. She doesn't know if I heard her or not or heard her and just ignored her. Of course I keep her guessing. . .
