Monday, September 19, 2016


Tell me, do you go by your given first name or do you answer to a nickname?  Most of us have a nickname that we use most of the time.  Yes, I have a nickname.  Actually, I have two nicknames.  My given first name is Richard, but as long as I can remember, they called me Dick.  After I grew up and became an amateur radio operator, I got another nickname that stuck.  Since my call ended in DZY, they started calling me Dizzy.

There are a lot of common nicknames out there.  Here is a list of just a very few of them:

Abby (or Abbie) for Abigail
Abe for Abraham
Al for Alfred
Bill for William
Cathy for Cathleen
Cindy for Cynthia
Ed for Edward
Flo for Florence
Jan for Janet
Jo for Josophine
Joe for Joseph
Maggy for Margaret
Pat for Patricia
Peggy for Margaret
Woody for Elwood

I can understand a lot of them, but a few I have no idea how the nickname evolved from the given name.  There are lots and lots more nicknames I could list, but the above should give you an idea of what I am talking about.

On another note, when I go to bed at night I lay there thinking of all the great subjects that I could write about in my blog.  Of course, when waking up in the morning, I can never remember them.  Yes, I know, I should keep a pad and pencil by the bed to write down my ideas, but at that time of night, I am trying to go to sleep.  Oh well, this blog posting will have to do until I can remember some of those great ideas (grin).  Until then, I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Interesting blog. I have never been called by a nickname. But I do know many people who are. I hear you about laying awake at night at coming up with great ideas only to have forgotten them by morning. Guess this symptom goes along with getting older. Have a good one today.

    1. Glad you found it interesting. You mean you have never been called Lin or Lindy?

  2. Hey Dizzy - great nickname, one that is not forgotten! You're right, some nicknames do not make sense. Why Jack for John (as in Kennedy)? I have a friend whose name is Sandra, but goes by Steffi. What? I just go by my middle name, which is confusing enough. Except here, of course, where I'm known as Hermit's Baby Sis.
    Love you, Bubba Hermit.

    1. And to us blog readers, you will always be know as Hermit's Baby Sis. And yes, I do like my nickname, Dizzy.

  3. I never could understand how they got Peggy for Margaret. I am always called Marty by people who know me, but to avoid confusion with the man's nickname Marty, I now give my name as Martha until I get to know someone. I've always spelled my nickname with a "y" (Marty) and was too stubborn to change it to something cutesy like Marti, or I guess I could use Martie. I mostly go by gypsy on the internet. Interesting topic.

    1. I understand. Now how did they get Dick from Richard?? And yes, when I was small I was called Dicky or Dickie. I didn't care unless they called me late for dinner.

  4. never had one, also never let anyone use one for my name. But,, i do like yours.

    1. We all call you Trouble, so that must be your nickname, right?

  5. Sharon is often shorted to Sherry, but never have I been called Sherry. My brother, whose name is Lawrence got shorted to Larry... maybe because my Dad was Lawrence. As a little kid, my uncle called me Doodle Bug... but he's the only one who ever did and I'm sure glad THAT didn't stick! I think your nickname is a great one... only knew one other Dizzy... Dizzy Dean, a neighbor of ours who was probably nicknamed after the baseball player.

    1. Hey Sharon, I like "Doodle Bug". I would have kept that nickname. I am so used to "Dizzy" that I feel it is now part of my name.

  6. My nickname now is Chuck but when I was a kid everyone callled be Butch-not sure why.

    1. I will assume that your given name is Charles. BTW, even my middle name has a nickname. My middle name is Milton and my middle nickname is Bub. No, it ain't Bubba, just Bub. When little they called me Dicky Bub.

  7. Hmm all my life has just been George or to shorten it Geo, nothing much to go on there.

  8. Never had a nickname everyone just called me Belinda.
