Monday, August 8, 2016

Hard and Acidic Water.

We have our own well here and I like the taste of the water.  My wife doesn't, so she runs it through a water filter pitcher that she has and keeps in the refrigerator to keep it nice and cold.  Like I said above, I like our water right out of the spigot and I also do not care for water that is too cold.  So, it all works out.  I drink spigot water and she drinks filtered water.

So, what is wrong with our water?  For one thing, it is highly acidic.  We have had to replace faucets and hot water tanks and the like.  I suppose I could bottle it and sell it as acid (grin).

Well, it may not be that bad but I just walked past the kitchen sink and saw this sight.  It looks like this fork has had the tines eaten off of it by our hard acidic water.

OK, it just looks that way.  Actually, my wife was soaking a frying pan and she had put some baking soda in it to sweeten it up some.
I placed a fork in the pan and went on my merry way.  Later, I walked by and noticed what it looked like and thought:  "Why not make a blog posting about it?"  So I did.  Actually it saved me.  I didn't have the faintest idea of what to post about today.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Got me to thinking... does the acid in one's drinking water contribute to kidney stones... or possibly keep a person from getting them? I know... weird thinking, but a friend of mine is currently having problems and made me wonder about the cause. We drink cranberry juice... but what about the water?

    1. It depends. Yes, some are caused by too much acid and the other type is just the opposite. Many years ago I had some kidney stones and I would think that passing them is almost as bad as giving birth. . . of course I will never know for sure.

  2. That is a strange photo of the fork. It took me a minute to process it - congratulations for getting a blog out of seeing it!

    1. It is fun to make a blog posting out of simple things that you notice that day.

  3. You can make a posting out of anything you like, it's your blog and you do a great job.

    1. Thank you and I also enjoy reading your blog postings, although they usually make me hungry.

  4. i grew up drinking well water and to this day I prefer the taste of it over "city" or purified water. I also don't like my water "fridge" cold but more luke warm. Now coffee must be piping hot but water and soda must be luke warm Guess I'm just a strange creature.

    1. I agree. And I also prefer water out of the tap. As far as coffee goes, it has to be double extra strong and Columbian, I believe, has the best flavor. I only drink one or two of those extra strong cups a day and my cups are either 12 or 16 oz.
