Thursday, August 4, 2016

An Updatne on Yesterday's Posting.

I took my Jeep back to the place where I had purchased the tires and asked them if the tire was fixable.  The first guy said that it wasn't, because the nail was too close to the edge of the tread but the second guy said yes, he could fix it, and he did.  I had them take the new tire that I had as a spare off the wheel and put back on the tire carrier on the rear of the Jeep.  They then put the tire back on with the new plug in it.  I wanted to drive on it to make sure it would hold up, since there was a difference in opinion on if the plug would hold.  So far so good.

When I got home, I didn't park it where I usually do, but left it in the driveway.  Then came the job of picking up the nails.  That couldn't be a big job, right?  My wife brought me out her extra strong magnet mounted to a telescoping rod.  I found it easier to sit down on the ground and pick them up with the telescoping rod collapsed to its shortest length.  I couldn't believe how many I was finding.

It was getting hard to find them in the tangled grass, so I went in and found an awl.  That worked quite well.  So, I sat back down, this time with a bag to put them in.  The more I dug the more the magnet would pick up.  Gee, I found a nail mine and now I am strip mining for nails!!  I just couldn't believe how many I was finding.  In case you doubt me or think that I may be exaggerating, here are a couple of pictures of the ones that I found:

Yes, I found all these nails where I usually park the Jeep.  I guess that all those years, they were just laying flat and the other day one decided to stand on its head for awhile.  There is more than a pound or two of nails in that large coffee container and they are all the same size.  For size comparison, I held one in my hand, in the lower picture above.  Now, don't any of you run over any nails but have a great day, you hear?


  1. That's amazing!! It makes me want to get a magnet.

    1. I don't ever remember spilling any nails out there. I wonder if one of the contractors that worked on our place left them? There was no sign of a container, just the nails, and as deep as they went, they must have been there for quite a time.

  2. i have one of those magnets on a handle too. got it for my son but he left it here, picked up a lot of nails in my driveway too.

  3. I didn't count them but there has to be a hundred or more. Couldn't believe how many and the more I scratched at the ground the more that showed up.

  4. That color nail must have made it darn hard to see in the dirt.

  5. I bet some workers dropped that box of nails and just picked up the box a few nails. We had a huge place at one time and were always finding nails and screws. So hubby made a magnet and I would walk around the yard picked up hundreds of nails and screws.

    1. Yep, I would think that some workers did it. If I did, I sure don't remember doing it and like I said, I don't remember having nails that color.

  6. Nice to get those nails picked up and outta there.

  7. Wow, that is a lot of nails. My guess is that a box of nails was dropped and no one noticed so they were just left there and somehow got covered over. What are you going to build with all those free nails? Have a great weekend.

    1. Nothing but maybe I can use them to tack some of my thoughts together for another blog posting.

  8. I wonder if these old nails are better quality than what we buy now. Years ago, I lived in a very old plantation house in Louisiana that was built square headed nails.

    1. I have found square nails, especially around places where there were once old buildings.

  9. Yeah, I have some of those square headed nails, Dizzy, fro my Grandma's stuff. Wonder why she kept those when she came to live with us ...

    You could take those to the recycler and get a little bit for them, I reckon.

    1. They are in good shape. Out of all of them, there were only a couple of bent ones.

  10. That is a lot of nails! Would be a pain to pick up by hand. Glad you have a magnet.

    1. That did make it easier, but still had to pull them off the magnet by hand.

  11. How did your tire just happen to find that one nail?

    1. Maybe that one nail was more attractive and stood up to be seen.

  12. We just had the old farm house re-roofed... the roofers (and later Bill) walked around the house with one of those super magnets kind of on a pole, picking up any fallen nails. Quite a job, but even careful folks can drop nails. But WOW! That many! Your guys must have dropped the whole box!

    1. With some of them buried under sod and dirt, I even had trouble pulling them out. Don't think any hand held magnet would work. Need one that they use in junk yards to pick up scrap cars. (grin)
