Saturday, July 9, 2016

Some Fun Facts

Here are some fun facts for you all to enjoy:
Cherophobia is the fear of fun.  I have known people like that.  I do not have cherophobia, I love to have fun!!

Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.  So, don't worry fellow Texans.  No matter how hot it gets, your spit will not boil away.

During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.  Just think of that the next time you dive into a pool to take a swim.

The person who invented the Frisbee was cremated and made into Frisbees after he died!  I may never touch a Frisbee again.

Hey, what do you call a baby spider??  A spiderling, of course.

Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.  Guess I don't want any of that ice in my iced tea.

The testicles on an octopus are located in its head!  Some just seem to have sex on the brain all the time. . .

If you leave everything to the last minute… it will only take a minute.  Dahhhh

Mel Blanc – the voice of Bugs Bunny – was allergic to carrots.  Oh how inappropriate!!

Did you know it is dangerous to be left handed?  Yep, every year more than 2500 left-handed people are killed from using right-handed products.

How popular is McDonalds?  Well, there is a McDonalds in every continent except Antarctica.

How many bridges do you think span the Amazon River?  If your answer is that there are no bridges that cross that river, you are right?

Now, I suppose that you all knew all the above fun facts, but I learned a few things.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'm a lefty and thankfully am still here. Over the years I've become ambidextrous. In first grade we were learning to cut paper with scissors. My paper just folded and wouldn't cut. I remember looking around and noticed everyone else had scissors in their right hand so I switched. That was just the beginning of my adventures as some teachers back then would ridicule lefties and try to make them use the right hand. One thing I've noticed is that many left handed people can read up side down and write backwards with no problem.

  2. Back in the old days when I started school, the teachers tried to make the lefties right handed. That was not a good thing to do. I would think that it would confuse the brain. Of course, I get confused very easily.

  3. Mom always told me I started out a leftie and my dad switched me to right handed. Although I deal cards left handed. Cards are dealt left to right anyway so just makes sense.

    1. Now you got an excuse if someone complains about something you have done. Just tell them it was your dad's fault for switching you from left to right handed. (grin)

  4. Some of those facts are downright disgusting ;-) Bill's sister is a lefty... when with a group, she always sits at the end of the table where her left side is "open".... that way she isn't knocking elbows with a person who is right-handed.

    1. I would think that it would be hard for a lefty, since everything is designed for right handed people.

  5. Since I've always been a lefty, everything seemed "normal" to me, but I do remember getting out of peeling potatoes as my mother would panic if I got hold of a knife. It all evens out. lol Measuring cups and punch bowl ladles remind me I'm "different." Bill's sister caught on fast --- it took me years to realize I needed to be at the left end of the table where I could spread by "wings." Round tables are the pits.

    1. Since I was never left handed, I can only imagine what difficulties you run into.

  6. When my oldest son was a little boy I found a catalog that featured products for left-handers. It's amazing what is available!

    1. Yes, I believe to make the best of any situation and you if you are left handed, take advantage of left hand products.

  7. Thanks for all that very important information.

    1. Your welcome, I knew you couldn't go another day without it. . . (grin)

  8. Thanks of all this useful information. haha

    1. You are welcome. Now you can amaze all your friends and relatives with your fast knowledge.

  9. As a fellow Texas, I'm amazed, Dizzy. Also a little discombobulated regarding the ice facts - WOW!

    1. I have never been nor plan to go to Antarctica. Eskimo mothers up north always told their kids not to eat the yellow snow.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks trouble, but I am running out of new material to post.
