Wednesday, July 27, 2016

How Well Do You Know English?

Yes, I know I already posted a blog today, but it was basically a link.  Of course if you would prefer, you could wait until tomorrow to read this or throw all caution to the wind and go ahead and read it now. . . it is up to you (grin).

I have been exposed to the English language all my life.  Yes, I took Latin in high-school, but it was all Greek to me. . .  I just don't do good with languages and even have trouble with English.  I am sure all of you are better versed in the English language than I am, so maybe you already know what this next list of words mean, but for you others, I will give a short definition of each.

Let us start the list with:

Lamprophony  -  If someone told you that you had lamprophony, what would you do?  Run to the hospital emergency room right away?  No, it just means that you have a loud and clear voice.

Depone  -  If that same someone told you that you had to Depone, what would you do?  Stop eating corn pone?  No, it means to testify under oath.

Finnimbrum  -  OK, if that person said he was going to give you a finnimbrum, would you be pleased or take off running?  Why I would be pleased, because it would be a trinket or nick-nack.

Inaniloquent  -  Are you good at inaniloquent?  I am.  It pertains to idle talk.

Limerance  -  That is an attempt to scientifically study the nature of romantic love.  Let me see, "limerance" is something that they write limericks about, right?

Nudiustertian  -  Get your mind out of the gutter!!  No, it doesn't mean to undress, it is "the day before yesterday".

Pronk  -  No, it is not prank misspelled.  It is a weak or foolish person.

Widdiful  -  No, it ain't a misspelling of pitiful, but in a way, it is pitiful.   It is someone who deserves to be hanged.

Tyrotoxism  -  Is that what a Tyrannosaurus Rex gets when it eats a rotten person?  No, it is what you get when poisoned by cheese.

Scopperloit  -  Rude or rough play.

Rastaquouere  -  This person would make use of scoppeloit to get what he wants.  He would be "a social climber".  I am far from being a rastaquouere, for sure.

How about just one more??  OK?

Pulveratricious  -  This is what happens to me when I don't move fast enough when sitting at home or too fast when going down a dry dirt road.  It means covered with dust.

OK, I will quit now.  Hope I didn't bore you because I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I have always been good at English - took fours years of it in high school. However, I have never heard of these words before so they were "Greek" to me (I took 2 years of Latin in school). Thank you for giving us the definitions or I would have been forced to use a dictionary - God forbid. :)

    1. English is probably one of the hardest languages to learn. Glad I was born and grew up in an English speaking country or I would have never learned it.

  2. Replies
    1. I know what venereal means but not inveneral. In fact, I tried to look it up and couldn't find it. Enlighten me, please.

  3. Thanks for these, Dizzy. I consider myself a pretty decent purveyor of the English language, and can easily pick out grammatical errors in books (especially pronoun usage), but I had never heard of any of these. Good fun!

    1. I had never heard of them either. It was fun finding words that I didn't know to list.

  4. Ya got me . . . And I've got me an English degree. Learned me good.

    1. I never heard of these words before. Just found them on the internet. Now, if they are on the internet they must be correct, right???

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I love words and learning the roots and where they came from but will readily admit I didn't know even one of your list.

    1. Well, I think I fit into a some, at least this one - Inaniloquent
