Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Few Questions For You.

This will be kind of trivia post where I ask a trivia question and you answer it and then I will give the correct answer and you can see if you were right.

1.    Which has the most surface area, Russia or the planet Pluto?

2.    What was France still doing when Star Wars: A New Hope hit theatres?

3.     How many ants are there for every human on Earth?

4.     Now tell me, how much do all the ants on Earth weigh?

5.     What does it rain on Jupiter and Saturn.

6.     What percent of all the photos ever taken were taken in the last 12 months?

7.     What is Scotland's national animal?

8.     Which is a berry, the strawberry or the banana?

9.     How many countries separates Norway from North Korea and what are those countries?

10.    Which US state is the closest to Africa?

And how about just two more questions, since you did so well on all of the above?

11.     Are there more fake flamingos or more real ones on Earth today?

12.    Which city is further south, New York City or Rome?

1.     Russia

2.     France was still executing people by guillotine.

3.     There are 1.6 million ants for every human.

4.     The total weight of all ants on Earth equal the same as all the humans on Earth.

5.     It rains diamonds.

6.     Ten percent.

7.     The unicorn, of course (grin).  I wonder how many bottles of scotch one has to drink before he sees Scotland's national animal.

8.     The banana is a berry, the strawberry is not.

9.     There is only one country and it is Russia.

10.    Maine.

11.    There are more fake flamingos on Earth than real ones.

12.    Why sunny and balmy New York City, of course (grin).

OK, I hope you got a smile because you either knew all the answers or because you didn't and learned something.  Either way, I hope you enjoyed today's post, it was fun putting it together from the help of  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Just off the top of my head, I got all none of them.

    1. Good for you!! If you miss one, you may as well miss them all.

  2. I didn't know any of the answers but I sure learned something today - just how much I don't know. hahaha Thanks for a great quiz.

    1. The ones about the strawberry and banana and the flamingos I believe I had heard before. But I wasn't sure. I, too, learned a lot from that test.

  3. Ditto for me, Dizzy. Didn't know any of the correct answers, but sure learned some crazy facts! Thanks for the fun!

    1. I enjoyed doing it, although it did take some time.

  4. Gotta love all the crazy facts. Thanks, buddy!

    1. I love them, too. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

  5. I got the 1st one correct and it was all downhill from there. I would swear Florida is closer to Africa than Maine, but I guess not.

    1. Yes, that sounds strange to me, but maybe it is because of the curvature of the Earth. The further toward the poles you get the smaller the distance around the world. If you were standing on the ice at the north pole, you could walk around the world in just a few steps.

    2. I looked at my world map and I could see that you are right.

  6. I got three right...but I learned a lot :)

    1. 25% is not all that shabby, I don't think when I first took the quiz that I got more than a couple right.

  7. I got a few right, but not many. I did know the one about Maine... the refuge we volunteer at was an AFB during the Cold War and it was located there because of it's (relative) proximity to Europe and Africa. Fun quiz!

    1. I would have never guessed that Maine was the closest to Africa. I have been to Maine, but that was back in the late '40's.
