Thursday, June 23, 2016

Middle Names.

Most people I know have a middle name. . . . Wait a minute!!  I believe I have already posted a blog that covers this subject.  OK, I went back in my history and looked and sure enough, I did.  So, I am not going to rewrite a similar blog here.  Nope, I am going to take the easy way out and let you decide if you want to see that blog posting again.  I am just going to give you the link and you can go there or not.

An updated.  I am still under the weather, but at least it stopped storming so hard.  Since I got old (happened fast, just got up one morning and I was old), I don't get over things very fast.  In fact, they can linger on and on and on.  I am not complaining here, just letting you know, because I am always glad to just wake up in the morning.  Now I hope all of you will have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Well of course I just had to look at your old post. I had forgotten you were a Ham. My father was K zero WHN, William Henry Nancy. His last name was Patterson so he went by "Pat." My mom's friends called her "Pat" too, so it got kind of confusing. Who knows, maybe you and my dad had a conversation. He spent a lot of time calling "CQ" over the years.

    1. Yes Janet, I was, and still am WB3DZY (Whisky Bravo three Delta Zulu, Yanky), although I am not very active any more. Don't know why. I used to have all kinds of antennae with co-ax leading to my house. Bet from the air it looked like a big spider web (grin).

    2. BTW, my wife maiden name was also Patterson.

  2. I had to re-read also.... But it made me think of nicknames. My name, Sharon, has never been shortened to, or changed to Sherry. But my Mom told me that was the plan... my brother Larry, me (Sharon/Sherry) and my little brother Terry. (my older sister, Cynthia, has ALWAYS been Cynthia... never Cindy). But my little brother died of SDS at 3 months and somehow my nickname never did come about. Funny though... my middle name, Lee, could be either male or female. Nope... no nicknames in our family.

    1. My oldest son was Richard but always went by Ricky or Rick. He was the one that was killed in a highway accident. My youngest son is Rodney and sometimes goes by Rod but usually prefers Rodney.

  3. glad to hear you are getting better, old or not.

  4. I agree 100% about just waking up one day and you are old! My 6 yr old granddaughter asked me today "Were you around in the old days?". Every time they see me they get around to hinting at how old I am. For myself, I'm happy if I can give them a good impression of an old person who is still young at heart (most of the time).

    1. I guess people like you and I have seen things that most who are alive today didn't get to see. As I have said before, things in the '40s and '50s seemed so much better than at any other period in time. It was a great time to be a young man with a '57 chevy convertible. OH wait, I didn't get that until the '60s.

    2. Loved my life growing up in the 50s. Married at 16 in 58, and our first car then was a 57 chev 4drht. AND FAST! lol

  5. Sorry to hear you are still under the weather. That is one wicked flu going around. Hopefully you will feel good soon. Getting old, they say, is just a state of mind. Well, my mind says I am old and some days I am older than others. Hahaha Have a great weekend.

    1. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It seems a long way away and I hope it ain't a train coming toward me. . .

    2. might have been that rika virus,, ya think?

  6. I agree with Linda m - some days we are older than others, for sure. Great observation.
    I started out yesterday about 22, then hit 82 when I learned of a pending car repair, but now I'm happy to be back at 65, where I belong.
    Yep, went back to read the middle name blog, too. My husband never had a middle name, was just Jr. so his birth certificate lists Jr as his middle name - crazy! But he goes by Rod ~

    1. You are younger than I am. I am 73 but feel like 93 a lot of the time.
