Monday, May 16, 2016

A Little Wood Pecker.

I have had a lot of different birds visit my bird feeders and the suet.  Sometimes I get unwanted guests.  I just went outside and chased away four squirrels.  I also put a scoop or two of seed on the ground so the pesky squirrels can get some without damaging my feeders.  Of course I have to run out and chase them once in awhile to keep them on their toes (grin), or maybe just for fun.

Earlier this morning, I saw this bird on my suet:

I wasn't sure what it was.  I thought that it was a Downy Woodpecker, but I thought that they always had a bit of red on the back of their heads like the one in this picture:

Well, I learned something this morning.  I looked it up and yep, it was a Downy, but a female Downy.  Hey, I am 73 years old and I don't ever remember seeing a female before.  Surely I have, but for the life of me, I can't remember.  I can usually remember things from years ago very easily, it is just that short term memory thing that I have trouble with. . . now what was the topic of this blog???  Oh yes, I guess it was for the birds. . . now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Have you had the foot of rain I keep hearing about? Not sure where there on the coast, so just asking,...

    1. We have had lots of rain, but didn't get anywhere near a foot. This has been a wet Spring. I live just to the east of Cut & Soot, which is east of Conroe. Conroe is north of Houston. So, we are close to the coast but far enough away not to get all the rain that they do.

    2. "close to the coast" Keep in mind this is Texas so the 140 miles to the Gulf of Mexico is considered close. DD is definitely a Texan now.

    3. It has taken a long, long time but I think I have finally become a Texan. Just so much to learn.

  2. The males are always the most colorful so they can attract females. The girls just want to not be noticed so they can raise their chicks in peace and safety! At least that's the way I look at it.

    1. Now I know why I am so colorful and attract females. . . NOT.

  3. Yep! That looks like a little Downy to me... and a female. We females have to put on a fair amount of makeup to spruce up our faces (and hide our wrinkles) to look attractive... and those bird just don't care. They can look drab (but, wow! can they sing a "come hither song"... and attract a mate. Makes me smile and kind of roll my eyes about those years I was single and hit the bars. (strike that... that's history)... but our birds seem to find the perfect partner, and so did I ;-)

    1. Some of us males would prefer a natural look. Just be you.

    2. I haven't worn make-up for years because it just gets in the wrinkles, but I looked a lot better back when I used to wear it.

    3. I have seen some make-up on women that looked like a bad plaster job (grin). Glad I look perfect without it (double grin).
