Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wondering Why.

Sometimes I just wonder about why things are the way they are or why people do the things that they do.  For instance, when the radar in a police car clocks the first car in a long line of oncoming vehicles at the speed limit, why doesn't he arrest all the ones following close behind that car?  He had to know that they had to be going over the speed limit to catch up to the lead car.

OK, here is a short list of some of the things that make me say "why":

1.   Why did Satan give up the glorious life as an angel to become evil?
2.   Why do they keep score if winning isn't everything?
3.   Why do some give up when they fail.  If a baby did that, he or she would never learn to walk or talk or do anything.
4.   Why do people say "Nice to meet you"?  Here is Jack Nicholson take on that: 

5.   Why do people say "you hurt my feelings" when only you can hurt your own feelings.  That is a one sided emotion and all one sided emotions are a waste of time.

6.   Why let someone waste your time when time is so precious?

7.   Why do some people try to explain things to you that they don't fully understand?

8.   Why am I even writing these things in my blog posting?

Now, for the last "why".  Why don't you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. We had mostly a nice day with a few showers but then the sun came out.

  2. You have asked some good questions, and I think a couple are very debatable.

    1. Thanks and I, too, think some are debatable. That is OK, because I like a good debate.

  3. Those are some very good questions. If you ever get an answer to any of them let me know; especially #1. Have a great day.

    1. Maybe an answer to No 1 would be that if we didn't have good and evil, we couldn't choose one or the other and therefore couldn't be judged at the end.

  4. Everyday we upright and breathing a a great day !

  5. Remember that any day we get through is a good one! Good questions!
