Friday, April 22, 2016

A Bloom and Working Together

One of my wife's plants are blooming again.  She has taken cuttings of the original and started more of these and I believe this is one from a cutting.  These blooms always please my eyes:

Nothing is impossible if everyone works together as a team.  Don't believe me?  Just watch ants.

I was walking out my driveway this morning and noticed a line across it.  Now my driveway is made of crushed cement and after driving on it for years, it has become very hard packed.  Well something made that line and, yep you guessed it, it was ants.  I suspect that they traveled back and forth quite often and probably got tired of being run over by vehicles, so they dug a trench.  Yep, now a heavy laden tire can roll over it with no effect or a foot can press down on it and not interrupt their travels.

This just goes to show us what all can be done when every member of the society or group or family cooperates.  We all could move mountains or make trenches.  Here is a closer look at the ants thoroughfare:

Now, you all cooperate with each other to make sure you all have a great day, you hear?


I just went back out and checked on the ants.  I had a hard time finding them again and when I did I discovered that they were putting a roof on top of their road.  In other words, they were turning it into a tunnel.


  1. Industrious little critters, Don't suppose one of them looked around one day and said Hey, let's build an underpass here so we don't get squashed crossing the road.No discussion, they just do it.

    1. It does seem strange to me that they only went underground as their trail crossed the driveway. Elsewhere, they were satisfied to be above ground.

      Long time, no hear. Good to see your comment.

  2. Ants build a trail across the driveway, and then they turn it into a tunnel. Only in Texas!

    1. Why sure Partner!! Here in Texas we have the biggest, the smallest, the prettiest, the ugliest things, and the smartest ants (grin).

  3. Replies
    1. Big or small, animals or insects or humans, cooperation gets things done.

  4. Lost my reply, doing over. When I was a kid, I would watch them, and once I used a gallon jar to watch them underground, tunneling. LOVE nature.

    1. You made your own ant farm. They are interesting to watch, for sure.
