Friday, March 25, 2016

Wondering About Two Things Today.

I was driving home this morning doing the speed limit of 55mph.  Everything on the road passed me!!  What, don't they know what the speed limit is?  I was going exactly 55, not 50 and not 60, but fifty-five and was passed by an other car, then I was passed by a pick-up, then I was passed by dump truck, then I was passed by an eighteen wheeler, and then I was passed by a guy that looked liked Barney on a bicycle, then I was passed by a girl in running shoes, and finally I was passed by a youngster on a peddle tricycle.  What the heck is this world coming to that everyone would be in such a hurry this Good Friday morning.  I wonder why they were all in such a hurry.

And yes, it is Good Friday, the day most Christian religions say that Jesus was crucified?  That also got to wondering.  The scripture says that he was in the tomb for three days and three nights, if my math is correct, there is a missing night.  If he was buried on Friday and rose on Sunday there is only Friday night and Saturday night, where is the third night?  And another thing, in those days there was always a day or two of preparation before the burial.  So, He may have been crucified way earlier in the week than Friday.  So what does it matter?  It doesn't, what matters is that He rose from the dead so that others could have hope for eternal life.  Make sure all of you have blessed day, you hear?


  1. WOW that must have been a handsome figure of a man on the bike!

    1. Yep, it he looked like you he had to be very handsome. . .

  2. The whole world seems to be in a hurry, not sure why?

    1. With all the vehicles and trains and airplanes zipping around this ole world, it will cause it to speed up its rotation spin. Right?

  3. Sounds like my adventures when I am out driving. Happy Easter!

    1. I just wonder why all those people who speed past me don't get a traffic ticket?!?! And a Happy Easter to you and yours, too.
