Sunday, January 10, 2016

What Was The Best Year to Live In?

What year do you think was the best one to be alive in?  Yes, I am sure it would be exciting to live in the old wild west, or when dinosaurs walked the land, or the years of the knights of the Round Table and King Richard, or the roaring 20's, but for all around living, which year do you think it would be?

I would say for me the late 40's (after the war) and the whole of the 50's were great in my world, but every year had some really great times and some bad times.  We have to learn to take some bad with the good.  How else would we be able to recognize the good if we didn't have any bad to compare it with?

In my case, it was family and friends that made my life so great.  Yes, I was an only child but we would visit relatives quite often and I got to play with my cousins.  My mother came from a rather large family, there were six of them (seven if one hadn't died very early in life shortly after she was born), and we visited with as many as possible almost every week or so.  The exceptions were the ones that had moved to other states.  I really, really feel blessed for such a wonderful life and especially for such a wonderful childhood.

What triggered the writing of this blog was this headline I read this morning:

Click on the link above and read it for yourselves.  Then tell me if you agree or not.  Now let us know what your best year was to be alive and the reason.  You know, today ain't too bad to be alive, is it?  Let me put it this way, I am very, very glad to be alive today.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. No contest. The year my son was born wins easily.

    1. You know, I know how you feel. It was a great year when my first son was born. Too bad he isn't still alive, but his son, my grandson, came to visit last night. Just got in from South Africa where he had been working.

  2. The last couple of years I have become aware that even the not-so-good years were full of good lessons. I was carefree and happy in the late 40/s and early 50's, but then teenage hit me like a ton of bricks in the late 50's. I absolutely hated everything about it, but I know I'm at a good place now, and all the years, good and bad, made their contribution. Does that make sense?

    1. If I learned something, the day was great. If I didn't, it was wasted.

  3. I've had good years... I've had hard years... I've had wonderful events happen... and really sad ones... but I love my life as it is now... day to day.... So my answer is every day that I'm alive and around to celebrate the wonder. Corny... yep... but that's my answer (and I'm stickin' to it!)

    1. There is a lot of times in my life that I would love to relive, but at my age I really appreciate every new day.

  4. There is no time like the present.

    1. You know, actually, that is the only time we have.

  5. I think we're living in the Golden Age right now!

  6. I can't really pick a year but if I had to it would be 1969 as that was the year my son was born. I try to enjoy living in the present and not dwell on the past. I can always make things better but I can't change the past.

    1. It is best to live in the present, but not to forget about the past. Especially, remember the loved ones who have passed, that way they live on.

  7. Gosh DD, im like you, had a fantastic childhood, and loved being a teen. Loved raising my kids, and somehow got thru the time of losing 2. So all in all, guess i have to say, life hasnt been too bad.

    1. Like I have said before, try to only remember the good things and then the bad stuff will fade away.
