Sunday, January 3, 2016

I Remember 48 States.

How many of you are old enough to have lived in the United States when there were only 48 states?  I was and I remember when the last two states, Hawaii and Alaska, were admitted into the Union.  OK, now let me test your memory.  Tell me which one was first and when did they become states.

Do you need a hint?  I was in high school when they were admitted.  Does that help you?  No?  So I assume that you could use another hint.  OK, they were both admitted in the same year, 1959.  Did that help any?  OK, I will tell you the answer and I want you to tell me how many knew the answer.
OK, here is the answer.  Alaska was first.  It became a state on January 3rd, 1959 and Hawaii on March 18th, 1959.  You know, I really should have known these dates, because they were historic events that happened in my teenage years.  Of course back then I was a teenage boy and girls and cars were probably on top of my list of interests.  Now, let me know if you remember these two events and please have a great day, you hear?


  1. Is Alaska really a state or just a pile of ice and snow like all Texans know it is? Hawaii was not bad but south Viet Nam was prettier to me.

    1. My son just got back from working on the north shore of Alaska and he had pictures of not only ice and snow, but trees and grass.

  2. I do remember this... the year I graduated high school... but the thing I remember is the rearrangement (and addition of) the stars on our National Flag. Do you think Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands will ever become States?

    1. Yes, you just reminded me of that time when we all had to buy new flags. I was in high school at the time. I graduated the only year for a very long time that you could turn upside down and it read the same.

  3. I can vaguely remember the events. I was immersed in college and earning enough money to stay there. At the time I had a couple of candles both burning brightly.

    1. Oh those college years when everything seemed to happen so fast. I only went to college for two years, but I used what I learned in the work I chose to do.

  4. I got the year and the order wrong, but yes, I do remember it.

    1. I would not have gotten that answer correct. But, like you, I remember it.

  5. Thanks for the update, maybe I was too young to care.

    1. Most of the people alive today are younger than I am. That is not a cheerful observation.

  6. I didn't remember the exact dates. But I knew Alaska was first and I do remember all the "hoopla" when they became states. I was 11 years old when they were admitted to the US. Have a great day.

    1. I was 16 back then. You are quite a bit younger than I am, of course most everyone is.

  7. Got the order right, but not the year. I was only 10, so that's a good excuse, right?
    Happy New Year to all ...

  8. yeah i remember, but not the dates, and not which first. I remember when queen elizabeth became queen, i was in the 5th grade.

    1. I don't remember the when she became queen, but maybe I didn't care. . .

  9. Yep, I was around when y'all had only 48 States. I was just over five years old when Alaska joined, although, Alaska should be part of Canada, well, geographically speaking.

    Goodnight from lil' ol' England, good sir.


    1. You all make me feel old. . maybe that is because I am. Alaska is closer than Hawaii, but like you say, Alaska borders Canada.

  10. All I could remember was that both were admitted in the '50s, and that Alaska came in before Hawaii. Good heavens, that's over 50 years ago!

  11. My life became devastated when my husband sent me packing, after 8 years that we have been together. I was lost and helpless after trying so many ways to make my husband take me back. One day at work, i was absent minded not knowing that my boss was calling me, so he sat and asked me what its was all about i told him and he smiled and said that it was not a problem. I never understand what he meant by it wasn't a problem getting my husband back, he said he used a spell to get his wife back when she left him for another man and now they are together till date and at first i was shocked hearing such thing from my boss. He gave me an email address of the great spell caster who helped him get his wife back, i never believed this would work but i had no choice that to get in contact with the spell caster which i did, and he requested for my information and that of my husband to enable him cast the spell and i sent him the details, but after two days, my mom called me that my husband came pleading that he wants me back, i never believed it because it was just like a dream and i had to rush down to my mothers place and to my greatest surprise, my husband was kneeling before me pleading for forgiveness that he wants me and the kid back home, then i gave Happy a call regarding sudden change of my husband and he made it clear to me that my husband will love me till the end of the world, that he will never leave my sight. Now me and my husband is back together again and has started doing pleasant things he hasn't done before, he makes me happy and do what he is suppose to do as a man without nagging. Please if you need help of any kind, kindly contact Happy for help and you can reach him via email:
