Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Beginning of a Great Engine.

Today I am going to talk about the fellow who invented a great engine of a type that is used world wide still today.  This fellow's name is Rudolf Diesel and with a name like that I bet you can guess what he invented.  No, he didn't write the book about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  His first name is spelled differently.  He invented the Diesel engine.  Diesel engines are a real workhorse.  I have a Caterpillar Diesel in the rear of my motorhome and it is a great engine.

Mr. Diesel patented his engine design on February 28th, 1892.  I would have to say that his invention actually changed the world.  Too bad that when he was on a ship traveling to England for the ground breaking of a new diesel engine plant, he fell or was pushed off the ship.  There were rumors that it was not an accident.  Of course, we will never know.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Why in the world would anyone push him off a ship? Jealousy, I guess.

    1. Business rivals, maybe? Since he was broke at the time, maybe he committed suicide.

  2. I bet his engine's exhaust smelled better since he ran it on peanut oil. Maybe Volkswagen should look into that, might work better than the old software update trick.

    1. Yes, I bet you are right. Maybe it smelled like one big rolling roasted peanut.

  3. I certainly have liked my two diesel engines.

    1. Have only had one, the CAT, but my son has had diesel trucks and has one now.

  4. Wonder if he ever envisioned the diesel of today... and the cost of diesel fuel.....

    1. Heavens, when I first started to drive, gasoline was only eighteen to twenty cents a gallon. To answer your question, I don't believe anyone back then could envision how high the cost of diesel has climbed. . . of course there is a lot of road tax in the price. Off road diesel (for tractors and equipment) is a lot less.

  5. Never had a diesel, but maybe someday I would like to be able to afford one

  6. Replies
    1. A person can only swim for so long and exhaustion and hypothermia sets in.

  7. How and where is your son? Any pics?,,,

    1. He is doing fine and is still on the north shore of Alaska. Yes, he posted some pics on Facebook. Nothing really scenic way up there above the Arctic Circle.

  8. He had a grand plan to power Africa using oil from an abundant native plant. Worked great in diesels.

    1. Maybe we need to start growing that plant on US farms.
