Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Questions for You with Answers.

Today I am going to ask a bunch of trivia questions and at the end of the posting, I will give you the answers.  This is just something you can do for fun.  Some of the questions will have answers that you never knew and others will have obvious answers.  Of course the answers that you know will be the ones that obvious to you. (grin).

OK, here are 10 questions:

1)   Who were the first couple shown in bed together on prime time TV?
2)   When bats exit their cave, which way do they turn?
3)   Who can read smaller print, men or women?
4)   Who can hear better, men or women?
5)   Which animal can go the longest without water, a rat or a camel?
6)   What words rhyme with orange, purple, and silver?
7)   What was the weatherman, Willard Scott, the first of.
8)   Name a food that uses more calories to eat than it contains.
9)   Speaking of foods, what is the only food that doesn't spoil?
10)  What are the only mobile National Monuments?

Answers to the questions:

1)   Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
2)   They turn left.
3)   Men can read smaller Print
4)   Women can hear better.  (I wonder if that is why sometimes I don't hear my wife tell me what to do)
5)   A rat can last longer without water than a camel.
6)   There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with these words.
7)   He was the first Ronald McDonald.
8)   Celery has negative calories.
9)   Honey. . . although I have heard of biscuits that would be a close second.
10)  The San Francisco Cable cars.

How many of got all of the questions correct?  I only knew three for sure.  Let us know how you did and even if you didn't get any correct, you may now know more than you did before you took the test. . . I do.  So now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Judith, that is much better than I did.

  2. I got zero right since I am too young to know about that old folks stuff.

  3. Replies
    1. You tied with me, I only got three right, too.

  4. I guess I'm like Barney in that regard as I got zero correct. I thought for sure Lucy and Ricky were the first couple shown on TV in bed together. Not long after, they were required to have twin beds in the Ricardo house. I don't read small print and don't hear well, so I guess I would have gotten one right if I had chosen to answer.

    1. I get all my information off the internet and therefore, can't guarantee that all is correct. But it all sounded reasonable to me.

    2. Check out this! http://www.snopes.com/radiotv/tv/marykay.asp

    3. Dang, I never heard of Mary Kay and Johnny. We had a TV back then but maybe I wasn't allowed to watch that show or maybe it wasn't on the three channels we could get.

  5. I sure flunked this one.... Don't think I got any of them right. I would scroll back up and look again since now I can't even remember the questions... But I'd just flunk it all again.

    1. Now you know I wouldn't pick easy questions to put on my blog. Heck, I want to leave the erroneous impression that I am intelligent (grin).

  6. I didn't get any right either, but I usually don't do well with these kinds of quizzes. Usually I get a COUPLE right, though. So this means I learned a LOT today. Thanks! :)

  7. I got 1/10th on them, you will be grading on a curve, right?

    1. The grading curve would have to be bent into a pretzel shape to help your grade any (grin).

  8. I got 4, Dizzy, but was just guessing about the bats! Fun stuff ~

    1. You did better than I did, and I wrote the blog (grin). I only knew three of them.

  9. i only knew three for sure. The others rand a bell as soon as I read the answers. That was a fun quiz.

    1. You are just like me. I only knew three but when I read the answers, I said to myself that I should have known that.
