Saturday, August 1, 2015

Our Anniversary

Today is our anniversary.  51 years ago today, my wife and I got married in a little church in Mayville, New York.  No, we didn't live in Mayville, in fact, we didn't live in New York, either.  Maybe I should explain.

My future father-in-law thought that I was plenty good enough to date his daughter but every time I asked his permission to marry his daughter, he set extremely high, unreachable goals that I would have to meet before he would even consider his blessing on our union, so the two of us decided to elope.

Almost everyone from Pennsylvania who eloped, ran off to Maryland.  So, we headed to New York.  Since we had run up to Presque Isle on Lake Erie on Saturdays a couple of times before to enjoy the beach and the water, it was not unusual that my wife to be, my best friend and his date, and I headed up that way.  So it was all set, when we had been up there a few weeks earlier, we made all the arrangements.

It just so happened that my Aunt was visiting my parents and the night before our eloping, we invited them along, too.  I thought my Mom was going to fall off her chair, but they agreed.  We had a very nice wedding and spent our honeymoon in Ohio.  Of course we called my wife's parents . . . that didn't go over too well.

Our start to married life was a little rocky, but things calmed down and we were all a big happy family.  Hard for me to believe that it was 51 years ago.  It just can't be because my wife is only 29 and I am only 31 but accused of being six years old some times.  It has been quite a journey and one I am glad I took.  Now, you all have a great day and feel free to celebrate our anniversary, you hear?


  1. Congratulations to you Dizzy -and my condolences to your lovely wife. :)

    May you crazy kids have many more.

    1. Thanks Sixbears and I told my wife that you give her your condolences, and she laughed and said to thank you, she needs condolences.

  2. You and Mrs. Diz have done well, and accomplished what a lot of folks cannot do - stay married for 51 years! My hat is off to anyone who accomplishes that. Did your father-in-law come around to approving of you?

    1. Thank you, and yes he did, especially after his first grandson was born. Grandkids have a way of knitting a family together.

  3. So great,,, 51 years. Congrats to you both.

    1. Thank you Trouble. It is great. . . most of the time.

  4. So great,,, 51 years. Congrats to you both.

  5. So great,,, 51 years. Congrats to you both.

  6. My sincere congratulations on your 51st wedding anniversary. You are a very lucky man to find anyone willing and able to put up with your nonsense all those years. Here's hoping there are many happy returns of the day.

    1. I am sure it is really hard for her living with me, but then she speaks loudly and carries a big stick (grin).

  7. Congratulations on that major accomplishment, wishing you many more happy years.

    1. No one can expect every second to be happy, but I must admit, most of mine are.

  8. Happy belated Anniversary to you and your wife.

  9. Ditto all of the above, Dizzy. And just remember, it takes 2. What she has put up with, I'm sure she has given back by 1/2 - spoken as a wife of 44 years, but 2 different marriages.

    1. It is a give and take situation. I give, she takes (grin), but she cooks and I eat. See, it all balances out.

  10. Happy Be-Lated Anniversary! WOW 51 yrs?
