Saturday, August 15, 2015

Music Festival

Can you imagine that 46 years ago today one of the most notorious music festivals was going on.  Yep, I am talking about Woodstock.  No, I didn't attend it, in fact it was held not long after my second son was born, so I had more important things to attend to.

Did any of you attend that festival?  If so, let us know and tell us a little bit about your experiences at it.  I found this picture of the road leading to the area.  It was turned into a huge parking lot for miles and miles:

Please pick on this next picture to enlarge it so that you can read the heading.

Yes, that was a moment in music history.  It really didn't interest me that much because, as you know, country and blue grass has been the music of my choice.  Now, you all listen to what ever music you prefer and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I didn't go to Woodstock, and from my point of view I didn't miss a thing. I was just a few years ahead of the revolution in rock music, and never did care for most of it, especially the Beatles! I always loved bluegrass too, but attended jazz festivals until they went out of style. One I attended had a special guest, none other than a very young Cassius Clay, who became the great Mohammed Ali! He was and is the greatest!

  2. They sure trashed the place. I wasn't into rock either.

    1. I was taught if I made a mess, clean it up. I guess they missed that lesson.

  3. Saw the movie, and would have loved to be there.... lol. Was into R&R from my first song !

  4. I was home with a 7 yr old and a 6 yr old.... didn't even have an interest in that type of music. The first time we volunteered at this refuge, in 2003, a Phish concert had just ended right next door on the old airstrip. There was a lot of trash (some kinda "spilled" over onto the refuge), but it was soon cleaned up (not by us) and we had a very quiet time here. I think the only outdoor concert I've gone to was a Waylon and Willy concert at Legend Valley near I 70/ I 77... near Cambridge, Oh.

    1. I have never went to any rock and roll festivals although I did attend a blue grass festival at an RV park that I had been to a few times. BTW, when I was attending Penn State, the Hootenanny show was filmed there and I got to see it being done. Do you remember that show? I really liked it, but it wasn't on the air until a couple years after that, if my memory serves me (but it doesn't all the time).

  5. I just had a new born daughter that year, so was not able to get there, But did a similar one Aug 26th 1978 Called Canada Jam in Ontario Canada, what a zoo that was too.

    1. I always preferred a more regulated (civilized) festival.

  6. Too young to go.

    One of my daughters and her husband just got back from a music festival in Montreal where over 100 bands performed. Everyone was very polite. Canada, go figure.

    My lovely wife and I went to an all day outdoor blues concert last winter. Great cleaning staff. The place was as clean at the ed of the concert as it was in the beginning.

    1. Different types of music attract different types of people.
