Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I'm a Little Slow Today.

I am a little slow getting a blog written today.  Today was grooming day for the three dogs.  We took them down for their appointment at 0900 this morning.  Went on into town to take care of some business and also stopped at Hastings to look around.  Hastings is a huge book, etc. store.  I got one book to read and a box of sweet and sour candy.  Then went home to wait on the call that the grooming job was complete on our three pups and they would be ready to come home.  All went well and everyone is back home and happy.  This house sure feels too quiet and empty when those pups are not here.

Did I say that I was moving a little slow?  Well, I had a good teacher on how to do just that.

That is all for today.  The End:


  1. I think we all are starting to move a little slower theses days.

    1. I don't know about you, but I am sure moving slower. Actually, when I moved to Texas all those years ago, the first thing I was told was to slow down and always walk on the shaded side of the street.

  2. Slowing down is a good things as long as we don't stop.

    1. I ain't sure, but that old stop sign is somewhere just up the road.

  3. This is off topic but I wanted to ask how you transport your doggies to the groomer or anywhere? Do you restrain them, use a pet carrier?

    The reason I ask is because I want to take one of the strays to the vet but I am afraid he might go crazy on me since I do not know if he has ever been in a car.

    You are the only one I know that takes his pets to be groomed on a regular basis...lucky pups :)

    1. We have cages that we put them in. The one is smart enough to drive the Jeep so I can ride in a cage in the back (grin).

    2. BTW, it is against the law in Texas for any dog to be unrestrained in a moving vehicle.

    3. Thank you for the reply Dizzy.

      The first and only time I had a dog was more than 20 years ago. I therefore am not up to date on recent state laws.

      Back then I had a restrain thingie that locked into the seat belt and kept my dog safe and secure. Unfortunately that gizmo is currently back in Houston.
