Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Trip to Pluto.

There has been a lot of talk about our ninth planet (downgraded to a minor planet) since our probe took some great pictures of that way out frozen planet.  Since it takes 248 years to make one orbit of the sun, we best take advantage of it while it is as close to Earth as it will be in our lifetime and our grand-kids' lifetime.  Here is a picture taken by our probe:

See the heart shape?  No, I have no idea how it came to be unless it wanted to send its love to us for coming to visit and taking its picture.

Our probe took a close up of the white patch on one of its closer orbits and you can see the cracks and designs in it:

Then, of course there is the other Pluto, the one that has made us all smile and laugh out loud.  Yep, Walt Disney's Pluto:

And before you ask, no, the dog Pluto was not the inspiration for naming the ninth planet Pluto.

Now, you all have a great day and enjoy what all the latest probe to the outer planet will show us, you hear?


  1. It's going to take months to get all the photos taken by New Horizons, and I'm anxious to see them all. I hope they come with explanations that lay persons can understand.

    1. Who knows, they may have to come up with some new names for things found there.

  2. I think I've said before that Bill had Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered Pluto, as a prof when he was taking astronomy in college at Las Cruces. Wonder what he'd think of the new data....

    1. I bet they would love it and be very excited.

  3. Amazing times we live it. Pluto, thanks to the new photos, is now an actual place, not just a fuzzy blob in a powerful telescope.

    1. You hit the nail on the head. Man now has either bin or sent probes to all the planets plus a couple of asteroids. It is way too far to go anywhere else. Would take longer than a lifetime.
