Saturday, June 27, 2015

Wondering About Ceres.

Ceres is found in the asteroid belt and is the largest object in that mass of rocks and asteroids.  This belt circles the sun between Mars and Jupiter.  It is the 5th orbiting large body from the sun, as this following pictures show:

This next picture shows both the Asteroid Belt where Ceres is located and the Kuiper Belt out past Neptune which Pluto and Makemake are part of it.  Our solar system is quite large with a lot of planets, minor planets, asteroids, and comets.

So now you have an idea where Ceres is located in respect to Earth.  There was a recent flyby and pictures taken from our Dawn space craft.  A couple pictures showed very unexpected, and thus strange, lights coming from a crater.  There is one large gathering of light in the center and some lesser dense lights between the center and the rim.  Here, see for yourselves: 

Ceres has only a 291 mile radius (582 mile diameter) and orbits the sun every 1680 days.  Not a very large object but those lights are a huge surprise that it held for our probes.  OK, now tell me what you think is causing those lights.  Could it be an alien outpost for studying us here on Earth or is it some natural phenomenon?  Now, don't let this worry you, but have a great day any way, you hear? 


  1. I like the idea it's an outpost for aliens from outside our solar system.

    1. Yes, I do too, but my rational side says it is reflection off some minerals. But hey, maybe it is a huge city created by quarter inch tall alien people. . . yep, it could be.

    2. But what is being reflected off the minerals - the sun? It's so far away to cause that kind of light, and how big would the mineral field be? I just don't think it looks like something natural.

    3. Yes, it is a real mystery and at this time, I really don't know what it is. But since Ceres is a dark grey color, to get a good picture they would have to use a large aperture setting on the camera or a longer exposure time and anything white or light grey would look very bright. . . maybe (grin).

  2. Thought this was going to be about that night blooming flower... then realized that it's cereus, not ceres. Duh... But funny y'all should be talking about aliens... the refuge person we work with is always asking what we think about stuff.. last week it was "Do you think we're the only living beings in the universe". Maybe he needs to take a trip to Ceres....

    1. I do not believe that there is any kind of life in our solar system other than possibly in the ice covered moons of Jupiter, like Europa and Enceladus.

  3. Replies
    1. Too bad you couldn't get exited about it (grin).

  4. I was just talking about this with my Mom this morning! Strange that you should post on it today!

    Great minds and all that!

    1. Glad you and your Mom talk about astronomy. It is great to look up at night, there are marvelous wonders out there.
