Sunday, June 7, 2015

"When the Moon Hits Your Eye. . ."

"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore."  Remember that song?  Remember who sang it?  I do and it was Dean Martin that sang it.  He was a singer, an actor, and a comedian.  I remember him very well as the straight half of the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis show.

Why am I talking about Dean Martin today, well he was born on this day back in 1917.  (He passed away on December 25, 1995 at the age of 78)  I guess all that booze he consumed and the wild parties with the "Rat Pack", kept him going and going and going.  OK, do you remember the "Rat Pack"?  There were different rat packs but the one I remember was the 1960's version which included along with Dean Martin; Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop.  Did you know that the Rat Pack were friends with John F. Kennedy and campaigned for him?  There are just so many stories about this group, but I am going to let you all remember them for yourselves.  Now be careful, because when the moon hits your eye like big pizza pie. . . that would be an awful mess, for sure.  Now, hum that song for the rest of the day, but make sure you also have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yup, Dizzy, I remember and enjoyed the Rat Pack. Nothing like them since.

    Max from Illinois.

    1. It seems that back in "the good old days", the entertainers were so much more outstanding than the ones of today. Or maybe I am just too old to appreciate the new age entertainers.

  2. Hermit's Baby SisJune 8, 2015 at 7:51 AM

    I've always enjoyed the Rat Pack - individually as well as together.
    As to Dean and the booze, his daughter (I believe it was), wrote that the drunk part was just an act. He always had watered down coke or tea in that glass, and drank actually very little. Either way, that and the smoking never seemed to hurt his voice - really smooth. Like Nat King Cole - smoking while singing - never could understand how they still sounded so good. I'm still a fan ...

    1. Even Dean's son stated that the drunk scenes were just an act.

  3. Nothing like the songs and performers from the olden days! I still enjoy the music!

    1. Me too, especially the 1950's music. That stuff brings back great memories.
