Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tree Update

All the trees that we wanted cut down are down and all the cut wood has been carried away.  They did a great job and cleaned up afterward.  I would use them again and I may need to one of these days.  Just wanted to give you all an update.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yea the lighter wallet will be easier to carry.

    1. That is for sure, but it is done and they did a good job. They took a check so my wallet's weight has not changed, except for a tip for all the workers.

  2. Looks like they did a good job.

  3. Hot weather to be cutting trees down. They certyainly earn their money! Looks gtood, thougth.

    1. I don't know how they do it. I was melting and had to keep going in the house to get cooled off. Today, I got the front half acre and my front yard mowed before it got to 90 but still got soaked with sweat.

  4. Replies
    1. I love trees and hate to cut any down, but there were a couple of them endangering the neighbor's property.
