Sunday, May 24, 2015

Wondering About Women's Shoes.

Before you even ask, I will say that I do not now or ever have worn women's shoes.  I prefer cowboy boots, my self and if I take them off I put on a pair of Crocs to wear around the house.  But, most women are different, they love shoes, love shoe shopping, and want multiple pairs of shoes.  Of course my wife is the exception. . .

I found some interesting (the nicest word I could think of to describe them) pictures on the Internet of some strange looking women's shoes and I thought maybe someone out there would be interested in seeing them.  Most of these need no explanation and even if they did, I couldn't explain them. . . but I will try.

This first pair is for some lady who wants to be a hoofed animal.  OK, what kind?  Is it a goat, a deer, . . . no, the hoof is not cloven or split, so it can't be a cow. 

OK, but why?

These are for people who would like to go bare-foot but have real tender feet or they are in a place that requires shoes to be worn:

So Punk?  You want to be tough?  Then get yourself a pair of these:

By the time you would get these on and all laced up, it would be time to start taking them off to go to bed. . . . again, why?

I guess these were designed for those women who just love to go bare-foot and feel the grass between their toes, but want the glamor of wearing high heels:

And this last pair. . . could they be for kick boxers' wives?

So, what do you think?  Do you have any explanation for those shoes?  Do you own any shoes similar to these?  Tell us if you do and are brave enough.  I guess anyone brave enough to wear stuff like this would be brave enough to tell.  Now, get your boots and shoes all shined and have a great day, you hear?


  1. OMG, those are the weirdest shoes I've ever seen. I wouldn't even consider wearing any of them. I pretty much only wear running shoes and sandals now.

    I did bring a pair of short heels with me, just in case, but I've never had a reason to wear them in 4 years. I guess if I get invited to a wedding, I could wear them. Oh yeah, but I don't have a dress. Maybe that's when one would wear those weird heels. When the rest of the outfit isn't appropriate, the heels would get all the attention and no one would notice I was wearing shorts to a wedding?

    1. Good idea, wear weird shoes and any old dress will do just fine. No one will ever notice it.

  2. I'm totally convinced you don't wear women's shoes. Not even pink stilettos.

    Those are some bizarre shoes or some sort of footwear. Thanks for the idea. Did I say that?

    Have a good one, my friend.


    1. Klahanie, thanks for stopping by my shoe store (grin). Now you got me wondering what the idea is that you thanked me for??

  3. I mostly wear Birkenstocks (even wearing them here in NY), but have other footwear for now and then. When I get back to Sacramento the first shopping I'm going to do (after grocery) is go to Sac Birkenstocks and get myself a new pair. Most comfortable shoes on the planet!

    1. I usually wear crocs around the house, they are cheaper than Birkenstocks.

  4. Too funny! I have to admit I have a shoe fetish. However, in the summer I wear Birkenstock sandals - unless I'm hiking... :-)

    1. I have to admit that I like shoes and especially cowboy boots, but I spend 90 percent of my time in my crocs.

  5. Well the lace up shoes/boots are sexy. I kinda like them. :)

    1. Of course, the model that is wearing them may have something to do with how sexy they look. . . just saying.

  6. Not to wear them mind you just on the female I'm watching.

  7. My steel-toed boots are my fashion statement this summer... but I really love those alligator sneakers... my kind of weird!

    1. Steel-toed boots were a part of my footwear for too many years. . . but they did save me severe injury on a couple of occasions.
