Monday, May 4, 2015

Wondering About Cashews.

I love cashews, both raw and roasted, but especially raw.  That is, until I found out that it is almost impossible to get raw cashews.  You know, I didn't know that little bit of information until just very recently, like a few minutes ago.  Did you know that cashews are roasted in their shell so that it is easier to get the shell off and to get to the delicious nut inside.  Then you have your choice, you can either eat it "raw" or roast it again for the "roasted" cashews.  So, you see, the roasted cashews that you eat have been roasted twice.
So, what does the cashew look like just off the tree?  Here is a picture of the cashew still in its outer shell and attached to the cashew apple:
Some people throughout the world like the apple part better than the seed (nut).  Trouble is, the apple part does not keep well after it is picked so a lot of us, me included, have never eaten a cashew apple.  Have any of you eaten one?  Now, please have a great day, you hear?


  1. I had no idea! And the apple don't you feel the need to try one? You'd think they'd be available somehow. darn.

    1. The apple part doesn't keep, so shipping it to other countries would not be wise. Starts the journey as an "apple" and ends it as "applesauce". But if I ever find one, I would like to try it.

  2. I knew about them being roasted twice but never saw a photo before of a cashew apple right off the tree. Thanks for bringing up an interesting topic.

    The raw cashew is protected by a substance that is toxic similar to poison ivy. I just watched a you tube of someone eating a cashew apple. It is very juicy and, according to him, not something you want to taste twice.

    1. I love cashews, especially before the last roasting.

  3. I think they make some kind of drink from the apple part !

    1. I would sure like to try it. I will be looking for it in the grocery stores.

  4. Interesting about the cashew apple!
    I love cashews, but make them into cashew butter with my auger juicer's nut butter attachment. It makes any kind of nut butter so much cheaper than buying it at the store.
    I know you don't eat peanuts, because of the mycotoxins, so I know you don't eat peanut butter either, so cashew butter would be great for you two.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.
