Thursday, May 21, 2015

Wondering About Blog Comments and Stats.

I have been blogging for some time now and I have to admit that I can not ever figure out the response to my blog postings.  Some of them that I really thought were great would only get one or two comments and some that I was ashamed to post, got a whole lot of comments and pageviews.  So, I figured I would go to Blogger's stat page and figure it out.  And this is what I did:

First I listed seven of the blog postings that had the highest number of page views and after each I listed the number of comments:

89 - 18
89 - 11
96 - 13
97 - 16
89 - 19
100 - 10
116 - 14
676  - 101
That shows that there were 6.693 more pageviews than there were comments.  That means that there was only a little less than 15% of those who looked that commented.  Yes, I know that there are bots and other automatic search programs that view blogs and other postings, but I have no way of knowing how many were those programs and how many were real bloggers.  I can tell you that BillyBob of was where the most hits on my blog came from.  Thank you, Billybob.
OK, maybe you all should check your stats and see who is visiting your blog site.  Now, make sure you all have a great day, you hear?



  1. That confounds me too. I'll write what I think is a "zinger" and you're one of maybe 7 comments. I'll write a ho-hum post, and get 20 comments. But the visitor totals are always over 300 per post. The other thing is when I see repeat visits from the same site, two and three times a day. I assume they're just using my sidebar to hop to other blogs.

    1. I come back to blogs that I posted on to see that blogger's comments to my comments.

  2. I do enjoy comments, but I still write for myself and I have check to see how many page views I get, but I admit you have peaked my curiosity:)

    1. I enjoy writing my blog and the comments are the icing on the cake.

  3. Just to fill you in. I get to all the blogs I follow from Six Bears sidebar. And with the exception of two, sometimes three, I read all of them.

    I comment when I have something constructive or at least on subject to say. I enjoy all of the blogs. OFM's blog is especially enjoyable to me because I'm most nearly his age and circumstance.

    Regardless I enjoy all of them. So don't stop.

    Wade in NW Florida

    1. Writing my blog has become a daily routine for me, and if I don't blog, my day has an empty hole in it (grin). Thanks for commenting. All comments are greatly appreciated.

  4. The Stats are interesting for sure. I average 700 hits a day and get about 8-10 comments.
    But when we meet up with our RV friends in various campgrounds they al read our blog because they can tell us all about our travels and they do not comment.
    Like you my day is not complete until I finish my posting, pretty well daily since 2006.

    1. I didn't start blogging until about four years after you did. I started on 07-16-10

  5. Hermit's Baby SisMay 22, 2015 at 7:13 AM

    Dizzy - I don't know about hits and such, as I go everywhere I need to through Bubba Hermit Jim's blog - to you, Sixbears, Billy Bob, Momlady, etc. Rarely do I see another blog another way, only one with recipes. But I'm always here, even if a day late and a few cents short ....

    1. You are not a few cents short, and I think that your brother's blog is really great. I never miss reading it.

  6. I usually have to have something more to say than "hi!" when I make a remark.

    1. Me too, but sometimes I have a hard time coming up with something fitting. . . but mostly I do have something to say. Oh yes, "HI" Rob.

  7. Im there EVERY day, DD, and i comment 99% of the time. Guess i lose out because i don't revisit, and don't use your sidebar either.

  8. O yeah, i comment BECAUSE you answer. And like you, i sometimes go back the next day to see the answers, so i guess i do revisit sometimes.

    1. I know you are, Trouble, and I am sure glad you are, and you don't need to comment every day, but I always enjoy reading your comments.
