Saturday, May 9, 2015

One of My Favorite Wildflowers and the Gardens.

Pulled in my driveway and parked and noticed a Coral Bean (Erythrina herbacea), one of my favorite wild flowers, starting to bloom right next to the driveway.  So, I snapped a picture of it:
I am going to bore you with pictures today, most taken of my wife's garden and some of her flowers.  Right after lunch, I walked out and took a lot of pictures, these first few are the vegetable garden:

I like squash.

And some flowers in the corner.

And this really tall one.  Yes, those are four-O-clocks on the left side.

A mixture of vegetable plants and flowers.

Then along side the house there are some flowers.

At the corner of the house I spotted some shamrocks in bloom that were planted by Mother Nature.  I am not sure what they are but I call them shamrocks.

Near the steps are some elephant ears.  We were late getting them put in and they are way, way behind where they should be by now.  Next year, they will come up on their own and if they are late, they will only have themselves to blame. . .

And of course one of our porches.
There, you got a tour of most of our veggies and flowers with a wild flower thrown in for good measure.  So far, we have had a good day and I hope you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Janet, and thanks for stopping by.

  2. Photos... especially those of flowers (or birds) are NEVER boring! I don't think I've ever seen Coral Bean... so pretty! And... I'm envious of those squash. I bought 3 tomato plants at the Farmer's Market this morning (Roma, Cherry and ?) to take to Maine. I won't have your cornucopia of veggies, but maybe we'll have something we grew (eventually).

    1. Those Coral Bean plants grow wild on my property. They need an area that dosn't get mowed. They come up year after year and I like them, too. Picked one of those squash for supper tonight.

  3. Love those Coral Beans too, but as far as i know, we don't have em either.

    1. I would think that they would grow there. They are wild and grow in wild places.

  4. I wish I had such a green thumb as do you and your wife. I have never been successful with gardening.

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  6. The thumb has to get dirty before it can get green (grin). Not all our plantings have been successful.

    1. Well then, maybe I just need to get down and dirty! I actually don't mind the dirt, but I don't have the "eye" for what goes together, where to plant, etc.

  7. I like flowers but I like pictures of food even better. The best food pictures are on the BBQ grill!

  8. I like flowers but I like pictures of food even better. The best food pictures are on the BBQ grill!

  9. I do love food, too. And I prefer my steaks rare to medium rare where ever they are cooked.

  10. Dizzy - looks like a 4 leaf clover on the middle tight side of your photo. Looks like what I call clover, and looks like a 4 leafer to me. Anyway, you and the missus are lucky in your gardens, or maybe your are the lucky one for finding her .. grin. Sorry for the late posting - just catching up ...
