Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Gurgle Grugle Gulp Gulp

We got a little Texas sprinkle of rain here in this area.  It started around 03:00 with some rumbling and flashes of light in the dark sky.  It moved in fairly fast and I couldn't seem to get back to sleep and of course my wife got up, so I did, too.  My oldest pup is deathly afraid of thunder (or anything that goes bang or boom) and she turned my rocker/recliner into a vibrating chair again.  Then it hit and it rained and it rained and it rained.  Everything is saturated and most of creeks and rivers are already full, so it didn't have anywhere for it to run off.  I am high and dry but some places were not so lucky, like Houston, for instance.  Here are some pictures taken in and around Houston:

And another "yesterday and today" pic:
The first picture below shows what that area normally looks like, the second picture was taken today.
And the next series of three pictures taken of the same area at different times (with time stamps) shows just how fast the water came up:
And of course, Houston wasn't the only place affected.  Up here in Montgomery County where I live had its share, too.

We had a 70% chance of rain predicted for the first part of today but after that big storm front moved through, they have dropped the probability down to 30% for the rest of the day and the rest of the week.  I can live with that.  So, I guess I can take off my water wings and enjoy the rest of the day.  Speaking of water wings, I wondered if they still make and sell them, so I looked it up, and yes they do.  Now, keep your powder dry and have a great day, you hear?


  1. The good side of the rains is that your lakes are filling up. Now go buy a case of skeeter spray.

    1. We got in the Jeep yesterday to go to town and when we opened the doors, a million or so skeeters flew in and feasted on us as we were going down the road.

  2. The good side of the rains is that your lakes are filling up. Now go buy a case of skeeter spray.

  3. Our daughter told us Lake Granbury is full for the first time in several years. And they didn't get anything like Houston has... what a mess!

    1. I am really blessed. I have the perfect property for me. I knew it was going to be mine as soon as the real estate sales lady showed it to us.

  4. Those photos really make the point! That's a lot of water in practically no time at all. Glad you are high and dry.

    1. I just feel sorry for all those people who got flooded.

  5. I lived with the regular flooding in SE Houston for fifty years. I am glad to be away from that sort of mess.

    1. I wouldn't live in a city if I was paid to do so. You can't take the county out of a country boy or make him live in the city.

  6. It's good to live in the mountains.

    1. Unless you are at the foot of the mountains. I remember a flash flood in western Pennsylvania where a wall of water came down a valley heading for a river. There were casualties and plenty of damage. Hate floods!! I remember after that flood that the parents searched for weeks for their young daughter and never found her.

  7. So glad that the floods didn't affect you.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.

    1. I am high and dry. I see on the radar that there is a long line of storms coming through Texas again tonight. I don't think it will get here before morning or so and that is if it holds together. It now stretches from the Big Bend to Dallas.

  8. Replies
    1. Been running places and doing things and haven't had a chance to walk down and look at it.
