Monday, April 27, 2015

Mother Nature Got Me Up

I am up and awake already this morning, which is not at all normal for me.  So, why am I up and awake?  Well, a line of nasty lightning and thunder storms swept across our area.  They are all off to the east now, and we all (my wife and I and the pups) seemed to survive it but now I am wide awake.  The leading edge of the storms hit us about 03:30 and it is now 05:20 and I can still hear the thunder off to the east.  Hey Louisiana, I'm sending them your way.

If you have a computer, there are lots of weather sites that you can visit.  Weather Underground ( is a good one for any area and have excellent weather radar maps and forecasts.  Just type in your zip code and it will give you your local weather with radar, etc.  It is really good at tracking hurricanes, too.  Let's hope that last one will not be needed this year.

It is only 05:30 now and I am wide awake.  It looks like this is going to be an extra long day, for sure.  It will be a beautiful day since the storms swept over us and headed on out east.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I don't know what site Bill uses but he usually checks the weather at least once a day... last week I mentioned that I wanted to go to Columbus one day this week, so he checked the long-term forecast to see when he'd be able to work outdoors again. We're heading up there today because it's still cold and tomorrow should be better outdoors weather. We'll see how accurate that forecast was ;-)

    1. When I am checking the weather here, I always also type in the zip code 16001 for my home town of Butler, PA. Most of the time, I am glad I am here.

  2. If something wakes me up that early I have trouble going back to sleep, and know it's going to be a "take a nap" day.

    1. I am not good at taking naps so I hope I get a good night's sleep tonight.

  3. Most morning I am up at 4:30 any way just love the early morning quiet times. and usually in bed by 9 o'clock so I do get a good nights sleep anyway.

    1. I have trouble going to bed before 23:00. Don't know why, just don't get sleepy before that.

  4. I reckon the storm that left here in the afternoon finally made it's way to your house! I sure don't like being bothered when I'm sleeping, but it's nice that nature can't sneak up on ya!

    1. According to the radar, that storm was a line that came from central Texas. I sure don't want to blame you for making me lose sleep. . .

  5. Hit here about 12, and the wind was horrible. Didn't see any damage this morning, tho.

    1. Did you have to send it on over here?? I guess it watered the garden for us.
