Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wondering About the Yellow Season.

We are now deep into the yellow season and it will last for a few weeks or so, then we will be getting closer to the love bug season.  It is impossible to have a clean vehicle and if you sit outside for too long, you too, will turn yellow.  People with hay fever just hate this time of year.

The oaks are the culprit right now, but when they are ready, the pine will also create a lot of pollen, too.  At this time of year, everyone drives a yellow vehicle.  We just got home from grocery shopping and most of the pollen blew off my Jeep.  Anyway, I am too lazy to go back out and take a picture so I dug around on the Internet and came up with a few pictures to show you, in case you don't live in an area where there is now yellow pollen.

This is not an exaggeration, especially in the peak of the "yellow season".  Too bad the love bugs don't come at the same time, that way we could get it all over with all at once.  Do any of you have anything like pollen or love bugs or any other curse of nature in your area?  I was on the Outer Banks one time and there were frogs everywhere.  They were so thick that it made driving hazardous.  Once someone ran over them they became a very slippery mess.  Hope there are no messes or bad pollen at your place and make sure you have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yeah, we encountered the Yellow Season today... Bill's eyes are itching like crazy, my nose is running so fast I can't catch it. So it's the oaks that are causing this? ARG!

    1. I believe it is the oaks, but the pines should be doing their share soon if not now. Now that is funny, you can't catch your nose.

  2. Every year we get yellow pollen on cars and everything else, but I don't think I've ever seen cars as bad as the photos you show. Right now I'd vote for weeds as the bane of my existence!

    1. I don't mind the pollen, it doesn't seem to bother me that much and since I very seldom wash a car, the rain will clean it off.

  3. I was near Tampa FL last week, the pollen from the live oaks looked like your pictures. Also saw a herd of love bugs, but they must of been an advance scouting party cause I didn't see anymore that week. Maybe they croaked on pollen dust.

  4. well, there IS a "white season" in Wisconsin that starts in late October and lasts well into April usually..... but we escaped the worst of it this year!
    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Wow, I remember those white seasons back when I lived in Pennsylvania.

  5. Well I live in NW Florida and the yellow season has been here about a week. I think it is pine dust here. And I have a raging runny nose. I have it all year, it's just worse now and in the fall when the ragweed cometh forth.

    I take pills but it barely attenuates it.

    Cheers, Wade.

    1. I live about 30 miles or so north of Houston, to give you an idea of what latitude I am in respect to where you are in Florida.

  6. In the White Mountains of AZ. I think it starts a little later like maybe April see I miss one season and now I can't remember. but I do remember the mess. But I'll take the mess any day than to miss another season

  7. Not much like that around this area, but have been through some of those yellow seasons in our travels.

    1. Some years it can get very yellow around here, It seems like it may get that way this year.

  8. I am well into the mud season. We have a few weeks until the pollen arrives. Monday it was 66 degrees, Tuesday--30's, today 28. Spring is a way's off for us I'm afraid.

    1. It has been in the upper 70's around here, but they say a cool front is coming. Yes, I remember those mud days up there. I loved the Fall of the year, Spring, not so much.

  9. Yep, yellow season for sure, Dizzy. Last week I was in Florida's Disney World, and nothing like this. Of course, not much could stop the fun down there, especially with a 4 year old grandson. But just walking from the garage to the office today, shoes soles are like walking through yellow paint. And cars - forget it! Ready for today's rain to wash things off a little~

    1. This morning it is raining, so that should clean things off.

  10. My one experience with bad Yellow Season pine pollen was while camped at Custer, SD. I also got to experience Love Bogs on one of my trips through MS and AL (recommended removal tool - Dryer Sheets). Not frogs but the road that was slick with Mormon Crickets on part of US 50 across northern NV; they make a mess to get off your vehicle also.

    1. You have almost experienced it all. Hope from now on all your experiences are good ones.

  11. Coming back from Big Bend I hit a wall of bugs for a split second that covered my windshield. Never seen anything like that before.

    1. I bet that was a surprise. I was riding a motorcycle and up ahead it looked like a cloud of dust, but it was a swarm of bees. That was not a good experience. It was in Pennsylvania and you had to wear a helmet. They got in behind my visor and into my helmet and up my sleeves and. . . not good, not good.
