Friday, March 6, 2015

Wondering About Really Short People.

People come in all sizes, shapes, and heights, but I am going to talk about short people.  I don't consider my wife as being short, but at 5'-2" she has trouble reaching some things that are easy for me.   

When searching the Internet for "really short people" I came across this picture of what appears to be a very, very small alien or a very deformed and really small human. . . or is it a hoax?
Your guess is as good as mine, but I am going to say that I think it is a hoax.  Why do I say that?  Look at the body and chest cavity.  It all looks solid as if it came out of a mold.  If it has been dead long enough to decompose to this level, you would think that it would be coming apart at the joints.  Or, was it a fresh kill??  I think it is a hoax for sure.
Now, since I am posting this in the evening, it will give you something to think about before you go to bed.  Don't loose too much sleep over it because tomorrow night you will be turning your clocks ahead an hour and you will lose sleep because of that, or just be like me and sleep in an extra hour.  Now have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. I didn't know it was that cold. . . I mean I didn't see the things that the cold was suppose to freeze off, so I guess it may have been (grin).

    2. I was at ft Vancouver yesterday and thought about the brass monkey when I looked at the 18# cannon & balls on display, I figured they only used them on ships.
      How many times in our modern world do hear or think about a brass monkey? Twice in 2 days is really unusual!

    3. Yes, I know a brass monkey was a brass plate with 16 round indentions in it to hold the bottom layer of a pyramid of 30 cannon balls. This plate was made of brass so the iron cannon balls wouldn't rust to it.

  2. No, please don't tell me they are tampering with the clocks already!

  3. Daylight savings time already? It's still winter here!!!!! I have no idea what that skeleton thing is, but it looks like it belongs on a keychain or the like ;-)

    1. Didn't think of a keychain charm. Yep, it sure could be that.

  4. I won't be messing with no clocks. There is no turning back Time when you are in the Arizona Time Zone.

    1. Only two states do not observe daylight savings time, your state of Arizona and Hawaii.

  5. Already setting clocks,, coffee pot first! Changed mine to battery type a few years ago.

    1. The TV lets me know what time it is, because I know what time my shows are on.
