Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Our Home Is Too Quiet.

Today is grooming day for all three of the pups.  After we drop them off, I always hate returning to our empty, quiet home.  I get so used to them being around that I really miss them when they are not here.

I guess there is a bright side to everything, right?  Well, at least I get to sit where I want too without a pup snuggled beside me.  I could even lay down on the couch if I wanted to without moving a dog or two or telling them to get off of it.  I can eat a snack without being surrounded by three beggars with those very sad eyes that say, "gimmy a bite, gimmy a bite".  But dang, I do miss them.  They have become a huge part of my wife's and my life.

They are usually done and more than ready to come home by noon or one o'clock.  I just looked up at the clock and it is only 10:39!!  That dang clock is moving awfully slow, or did it stop?  OK, I stared at it for awhile and I can see the second hand moving, but the time just seems to be dragging right now.  One thing for sure, the three dogs and my wife and I will be glad to have them back where they belong.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?

Update 13:00 - Just got home with the pups in tow.  They are now eating their dinner and all is again right in my world.


  1. Do NOT sit and wait,,, go do something during that time, like grocery shopping, vehicle maintenance,, whatever. You can do it,, lol

    1. We have done that in the past and it does work out better that way.

  2. Smart suggestion from TROUBLEnTX! I would miss Katie, and she is only ONE dog, it must be super quiet when three aren't there. I've never been home without Katie. She doesn't get groomed and has never spent the night at the vets, so she is always with me or at home waiting for me. :)

    1. Got them home and all is well in my world. I think you and Katie are attached with an umbilical chord (grin). . That is about the way I am attached to our dogs.

  3. I loved my dogs (Smoky in the 1990's-2004) and (Lady 2005-2012) but it was always nice to have the place to myself for an hour or two. I loved my 4 kids too, but it was a peaceful moment when they all left for school!

    1. Once a month or so is soon long to be separated. They have me wrapped around their paws.

  4. I sure wish I could send you our daughter's 5 guineas..... they stand right outside our motorhome door and squawk until I can't stand them any more. Give me a nice quiet kittycat any day.

    1. And I thought you were my friend??? Now you are threatening to send me guineas!! I know what kind of racket they can make. But, like they say, don't ever look a gift horse in the mouth.

    2. lolol that's why they're used as guard "dogs"

  5. Halley gets her grooming at home, so no quiet breaks:(

    1. Two of our Shih-Tzus have real think undercoats and it is hard to get them done right. And of course it is easier this way (grin).
