Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Mystery and Wild Flowers

I have a mystery.  Out by an old stump I found a pile of wood chips.  They are small ships but I don't think that they are small enough to call them sawdust.  I poked around and there is no hole; nothing to give a clue where it came from.  I was mystified.  Any of you got any suggestions?
Here is a close-up view: 
The only thing I could think of was that my son was cutting down brush with his big brush hog and when he was going past this stump, he may have bumped it with the brush hog and knocked some chips off of it.  That, my friends, is today's mystery.
Now, how about some wild flowers.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I don't want to type a thousand words so I am just going to post the pictures without any explanations.  They tell their own story: 


Now you all take time to smell the flowers and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Clearly a case of the "Wood chip fairies" having visited!

    1. Yep, and if it were not the fairies, it would may have been the wood chip gnomes.

  2. The flowers are very pretty and springtime-like. As for the chips, could it be the work of some sort of insect? Don't termites leave shreds like that?

    1. That is what I thought at first, but no signs of them nor is there any holes.

  3. Replies
    1. But there were no bore holes and the tree was cut down years ago so there is no place above for it come from.

  4. My assumption of your mystery is sneez'n armadillos. A close look at the stump, there are no bore holes, so that cancels out carpenter an' boring bees. What I'm think'n, you got you a armadillo on the property, strip'n bark off the trees an' chew'n up the wood to make a nest for her young'uns. On the way to the nest site, with all the pollen in the air....she sneezes. Walla, there's your wood chip pile. But don't take my word for it, I been wrong a couple time in my life.....

    1. You know, I bet that is just what happened. Thanks BB.

  5. I kinda like the sneez'n armadillo explanation, especially since I can't come up with anything better.

  6. Mother nature in Floruba grows crabgrass and weeds, and I'm adverse to smelling sand.

    1. Not sure if I know what sand smells like in its natural state. The beach sand in Floruba has ben trampled by many bare feet. . . phew.

  7. Since I can not come with an explanation either...I will have to go with the sneezing armadillo...jajajajajaja :D

  8. They say a weed is a flower that has not been discovered.

  9. Do you have any woodpeckers around? Look up. The chips looks like they might be from where the woodpecker was digging out a hole for a nest. Had chips on my deck, turned out to be an overhead woodpecker making a home.
    Really like reading your blog, always learning something new, at the very least something to think about, love your curiosity.

    1. Yes, we have wood peckers in the past. I looked up, and there is nothing above (the tree that was there was cut down years ago). Anyway, the way it is piled in such a compact pile, it couldn't have fallen one chip at a time from way up high.

  10. I think it is a pack rat,,, lol. putting those there to build a nest.

    1. If I ever find out, I will let you all know. I have been checking on it a couple times a day to see if there is any change or other clues that I have missed.
