Saturday, February 7, 2015

Wondering What Makes a Nice Day

It is an absolutely beautiful day out there with crystal clear skies, puffy white clouds, a bright sun, and a cool breeze.  Winter in this part of Texas is just so hard to take (grin).  I remember way back when I lived in Pennsylvania that winters were dark and dreary except for when the sun shone on fresh fallen snow, now that was bright!!

Now about clear skies.  Everyone seems to want clear blue skies.  Here is a picture of a clear blue sky.
Now here is a picture of a partly cloudy sky.  I think the partly cloudy sky is prettier than the clear one.  It certainly is more interesting and more picturesque.

So, how come everyone wishes you blue skies and clear days?  I admit I wouldn't want to be wished a stormy, blustery, damp, cold day, now would I nor would you.  So, I hope you all have clear, blue skies and a wonderful day, you hear?


  1. I can see dark clouds in the sky, but sunlight is shining in my door - a really nice contrast.

    1. An artist knows you have to have contrast to have a good painting. Contrast is good.

  2. I have a little book... I think it's Peterson's Field Guide to Clouds... it's over in the rig and we're here in the little house... BUT... I can't tell you how many times I've referred to it because I truly never learned cumulus from buttermilk to ??? kinds of clouds.... that the heighth of the cloud could tell you a lot... and the shape and all... Hey... I'm a person who still looks for the green flash (and YES, I've seen it many times) as the sun sets.... So... talk about clouds, and I'm listening....

    1. Ok, since I have my head in the clouds, I may just do that.

  3. Both clear and cloudy skies are beautiful, I think. But I have to admit, I love a good cloudy day with wind and rain. Not for days on end, but once in a while a good stormy day is a nice day, too. :)

    1. And of course, nothing would grow without some rain.

  4. It's hard to beat a blustery day at the beach for Mother Nature at her crankiest.

    1. I was working near Wrightsville Beach when a hurricane blue in. Quite impressive.

  5. What kind of a day was it in Houston today (yesterday)?

    1. The low overnight was 57 and the high today will reach 77 degrees. It was about the same yesterday, although yesterday morning was a in the mid 40's.

  6. Replies
    1. Yep, that is about right for around here but up north where I lived it was the opposite.
