Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wondering About Snow White.

No, we didn't get any snow here, but I am going to talk about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.  How many of you have seen that movie at least once?  Can you name the dwarfs?  Which one was your favorite?
I liked Dopey, he always made me laugh.

Maybe that is because I am a little dopey myself (Feel free not to agree with me on that - grin).

Do you know that this movie was Walt Disney's very first full length animated movie and it was released on this day back in 1938.  Dang that makes Snow White, the handsome Prince, and all the dwarfs older than I am.

OK, one final question.  If they are all older than I am how come they look so young and I look so old????  I guess maybe I need to talk to my animator.
You know, Disney brought to many of us of my generation a lot of wonderful stories that taught us and set an example of the benefits of being good and doing what is right.  Evil never won out in Disney movies.  Although I was born during WWII and lived through a period of a lot of other smaller wars and skirmishes, I still believe that I lived through some of the best years America ever had.  Now, try not to sing "Whistle While You Work" and "Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it's of to Work We Go. . . " and have a great day, you hear?


  1. We didn't have enough pocket change lay'n round to go see movies, so I never seen Snow White. But I did get to see Hank Williams in person at a concert back in '49 or '50 over in East St. Louis.

    I'm think'n my fav of the dwarfs was Grumpy. Kind of fit my personality.

  2. Replies
    1. It seems that the older I get, there are a lot more things that bring a tear to my eye.

  3. Wow!! You got to see Hank Williams in person!! And I liked Grumpy, too, second only to Dopey.

  4. I kinda liked Bashful.... But I think my all time favorite Walt Disney movie was Fantasia.... that storm on the mountain scared the livin' daylights out of me! But I'd like to see it again.....

    1. Why is it the things that scare us are the things we go back and watch. Of course the second time around takes the surprise factor out of it.

  5. You aren't "dopey" at all, you are Dizzy! I was never much for movies but I'll have to say I like the animated fairy tales much better than the later releases that use those goofy looking fake people. I can't remember what it's called, but even some tv commercials use that process now.

    1. Let's just face it, we both liked the "good old days" the best.

  6. Maybe they look younger cause they're animated, which means they move around a lot, we are fossilized and our movements are painful to watch and tend to make strange noises.

  7. Alll time favorite of mine---Old Yellow
