Monday, February 23, 2015

Wondering About My Name.

I got to wondering about my name and why I have this name.  No, I don't mean my last name, I mean my first and middle names.  Well, I guess the place to start is the beginning so my first name is Richard and I was given that name shortly after I was born, if not before. You see, my dad's name was Richard.  My middle name is Milton, and that came from my Mother's brother.  So, I am Richard Milton.  But it didn't stop there.

My Dad (Richard) used his nickname, Dick, so I use that, too.  Now my uncle Milton went by the nickname of Bub.  When I was a small boy (and in my Mother's eyes I always was her boy) I was called Dicky.  (Yes, I know it is supposed to be spelled "Dickie" but we didn't do it that way.)  So my named sort of morphed into "Dicky Bub".  When I was in my 30's, I moved down south, and guess what, my nickname fit right in for a change along with Bubba, Billy Bob, Jimmy Joe, etc.

My Dad's name was Richard J. and when he went into the Army back in the early 40's, they gave him a hard time wanting to know what the "J" stood for.  It didn't stand for anything.  His parents never gave him a full middle name.  That was the way it was on his birth certificate.

Now, you may ask, how did I get the name Dizzy Dick.  I believe I told you how before but will also tell it again now.  My amateur radio call is WB3DZY and because of the "DZY" part, all the other Hams started to call me "Dizzy" and the name fit, so I kept it.  Now you know the rest of the story (grin).  Have a great day, you hear?


  1. I will never forget my Dad's call letters - W8PNW. Glad to know where the Dizzy comes from!

    1. I got my license back in the 1960's. I am not very active anymore, but I need to get back into it. I do have a new radio that transmits on every band from 160 meters up to 2 meters and 440 mz.

  2. That's a great story! I like Dicky Bub! I was supposed to be Michelle. Then, after I was born, they named me Barbara. My kids were named long before they were born. We didn't give my daughter a middle name, because sometimes we want to keep our maiden names, so her maiden name is her middle name now that she's married. I love hearing about how people were named. :)

    1. I guess if your daughter wanted a middle name, she had to get married. Now that was a sneaky plan to get her married off (grin).

  3. I'm called Sixbears -because I snore like six bears. Yep, that's what happens when you go camping with a Native American friend. It stuck for some reason, so I went with it.

    1. I snore too much, too, but I didn't have a Native American to give me another name. My wife just moved to another room. I may be loosening up the bedroom walls. . .

  4. My folks wanted a boy... had a boys name picked out. The doctor that delivered me told them that Sharon, PA was the prettiest town he'd ever been in... and so I got named. I visited there a few years ago... it's a very dirty, steel industry town. Hmmm.... And, I thought maybe you were nicknamed because of Dizzy Dean the baseball player.... I'm always learning something new.

    1. I believe that one of my uncles worked in Sharon, he lived in Greenville. I think it was either G.E. or Sylvania or some place that made light bulbs, etc. I was an only child and he had seven kids, so I really had a good time when we visited at their place. BTW, I grew up about eight miles south of Butler on route 8. Route 8 also went to Pittsburgh if we turned left at the end of our driveway or to Butler if we turned right.

      No, nothing to do with Dizzy Dean.

  5. Being the youngest of 4, I was named after two great aunts, once on either side, so Nora Ann I was. But, mom wanted to call all 4 of us at once (or so the story goes), and Skip (that's big brother Hermit Jim), Beth, Sue, and Nora did not work well, but Skip, Beth, Sue, & Ann did, so I have always gone by my middle name. Causes confusion with officials, gov'ment, and doctors, so I have always told my kids to name their own what they will be called. my son Jeremiah has morphed to "Miah, Tracy was already named when we adopted her, just changed her middle name, and Heather's son is Henry - the delight of my life! I admit I did not like the name at first glance, but I can't see him as anything else now....

    1. Names are important because that is who we are. The naming of a child should take a lot of thinking and consideration. Parents may think at the time that is funny to name their baby dumb-dumb but when the child gets older he or she will not thank you for that. BTW, I like "Nora Ann".

  6. Nothing to do with people names but I recognized the place name Butler, PA.

    On 5 August 1990 I crashed, near Koppel PA, while riding my bicycle on a Cross USA tour. Got to visit the ER in New Castle and then we camped overnight at Buttercup Campground near Butler, PA. That was the end of the tour for me and I don't remember much about Butler but I do remember the name.

    1. When we go back and visit that area we always park our rig at Buttercup Campground. Small world, isn't it?

  7. we didn't do ham radios, but back in the 70's we did CB's .... our family call letters were KLH 3549 and my handle was DingALing!

    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Oh yes, I remember those days. I also remember when you couldn't find a person on the CB radio. That was before it got real popular. I was Big Blue.
