Sunday, February 1, 2015

Wondering About a Fast Mail Delivery.

Have you ever waited and waited and waited for something important to come in the mail?  Sometimes packages and mail seem to take for ever.  Of course it is a lot faster now than it was years ago but it sure could be faster.  Email is faster so why couldn't regular mail be at least a little faster than it is now?  There is a way. 

Well, I guess it is a little faster than regular mail if you spend a little bit more and send it by Air Mail.

The one above is the newer style and the one below is the older style.  Back years ago, air mail was much faster than regular mail.

 OK, did you know that back a few years ago in 1959, the Post Office came up with a new idea to speed up mail delivery?  Here is a picture of it, do you think that it worked out?

Yep, that is a cruise missile and it successfully shipped 3,000 pieces of mail from Virginia to Florida in twenty-two minutes.  Here is link to the story if you want to read more:

Well I'll tell you, the dang post office delivers bills to my box in super sonic speed, the rest goes by either snail or turtle mail.  That may not be too bad, remember the tortoise won the race with the hare!!!  Now, I hope tomorrow you get all your mail on time and none of it bills so that you can have a great day, you hear?


  1. I remember when we had to pay extra for "air mail," so the letters going far away could fly there on a plane instead of the slower trucks (or ships, I guess). I can see the difference in time between paying extra now with FedEx, UPS and the faster USPS package rates. My Amazon Prime just ended, and I'm debating whether to renew - it's so expensive, but it's also very frustrating to have to stay in an area waiting for the snail mail type deliveries when I'm ready to move on.

    1. Yep, now they have priority mail. Back when I was younger, you didn't have as many choices as we do today.

  2. I have always found the US Post Office delivers just as fast or faster than UPS or Fed Ex, and i like supporting the postal service because I'd sure hate to see it go away!

    1. Yes, but some things are better sent by UPS or Fed Ex. For example, I ordered my rocker/recliner chair and there was no way that it would fit in my Post Office Box (grin).

  3. I'm generally a big supporter of the post office..generally. When I'm ordering anything & I have the choice (or the opportunity to specify how it's shipped) I ask for the post office.
    I was waiting on a part & they shipped UPS, gave me a tracking number so I could watch it sit in a warehouse over the Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue Christmas UPS got off AND the next four day weekend (New Years).
    The post office works on Saturday, UPS doesn't.
    As a side note I'm a huge fan of the priority mail boxes, I pay for them on line, print up the label & the post office picks it up when they deliver the mail!

    1. A mailbox at the road wouldn't work for me. I live back quite a ways on my wooded twelve acres and can't see road from my house and the kids driving by with ball bats make short work of them.

  4. I usually ship using the post office. I love their one price priority shipping envelopes and boxes.

    1. Yes, they are convenient and have used them in the past.

  5. Guess we're the exception.... we've had really bad luck with the USPS. I could write about several incidents, but maybe the worse one was when they lost a box of genealogy information of Bill's research. He got a tiny scrap of paper (his return address he'd put on his box) with a note asking him if he'd sent a package? That they'd recovered this in the Denver office.... (but they didn't recover any of the box nor it's contents). Another time we had our new vehicle license stickers overnighted to an RV park in Texas (from Ohio)... on the tracking list they went from Ohio to Dallas... to Boston, Mass.... to Chicago and eventually made it down to McAllen, Texas. Guess they took the scenic route. We hesitate to send anything important by mail... I'd trust UPS or Fed Ex over the USPS any day.

    1. Yes, they can mess up badly, too. If the other carriers put the U.S.P.S out of business, there will be no more stamps for future stamp collectors. . . BTW, I enjoy our little post office and everything sent from there gets post marked "Cut & Shoot" Love our address.

  6. We received, today, something I ordered on Friday. (this is Monday) It came from Kentucky all the way to our door in Florida. That is the exception. Everything that arrives here, first stops in Jacksonville, Fl (up north) goes South of us to Tampa, then returns to the middle where we are. Talk about micro-managing things to hell and back!

    1. Most packages must think they are a ping pong ball, getting bounced back and forth like thatl
