Friday, January 30, 2015

Wondering About Some Strange Pictures.

There are a lot of strange things happening in this universe that seem improbable if not impossible.  Because of my limited resources and time, I didn't find what all I was looking for so will continue to look off and on for the possibility of a future blog posting.  I did, however, find some interesting pictures and will show you three of them today.

As far as I am concerned, nature creates the most beautiful things and scenes.  I think you will see in this first picture below that Mother Nature is trying to throw a cover over one of her tall mountains to keep it nice and warm. . .

Mountains are not the only thing that is decorated by Mother Nature.  Check out the next picture with such delicate and beautiful ice forms floating on the water.  Not just one or two but thousands.

OK now, this last picture is really weird.  At first glance it looks like a flying saucer hovering over building that we would presume is just underneath it.  Wow that would be scary to look up and see a big disc just over your roof top!!

OK, do you want to know what I think it is?  No!!  Too bad, I am going to tell you anyway.  I think it is a water tower.  If you disagree or agree with me, let me know either way and why.  OK, now Scotty is just about to beam me up so I gotta gooooooooooooooooooooooo.........


  1. The first two photos are beautiful, I especially like the ice formations on the water. The third one? Crop circles, of course! Remember when those were in the news? LOL

    1. No, not crop circles, just a water tower and its shadow.

  2. Definitely a water tower and it's shadow.

  3. It looks like a water tower but I sure wouldn't swear to it. The shadow (if that's what it is, looks weird.

  4. I'd have to vote for the water tower as well! Nice photos!

  5. dont ask me, doesnt look like our water towers around here.

  6. Using my iPad so typing/grammer is bad. Doesn't,t look like a water tower to me either..... But .... Have you ever looked at theat huge circle in AZ.... Or even the copper mines outside of Salt Lakke City? We do some strange things to distort our earth.... Truth is stranger than fiction!

    1. That big crater in AZ was most probably caused by a meteor. In fact, I think that they found pieces of it. But then maybe it is an old, eroded pit copper mine dug out by the aliens or the prehistoric giant gophers. . . (grin)

  7. No, Trouble,it doesn't look like any around here, either!
    Since when did water towers have a hole in the middle?
    Maybe it's a silo with a hole in the middle?
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny, TX

    1. That is not a hole in the middle, it is a protrusion. See its shadow.

  8. I guess it could be a water tower but then again my first thought was grain elevator. Neither of those seem to fit where the structure is located, a zoom out picture may have helped or just made it more confusing.

    1. Only picture that I have. Yes, it could be a grain elevator, but the ones around here are not round.

  9. Talked to my sis earlier, she got up during the nite and did the same thing to her toe, foot... lololol.
